The Blocks

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I scanned the room, looking for anything I could find. Climbing back into the crib- now being able to almost walk at full strength, I stood up and looked at the pictures above me.

These ones weren't pictures of me but instead four photos of different animals- an elephant, a zebra, an octopus, and a giraffe. I had no idea what that meant, but I knew it was another clue. I was on a roll.

I scanned the room looking for anything, when I noticed the letter stickers on the wall. I saw a zebra, which made me run over there. It looked like somebody put the letters on wrong- as they were out of order. It also appeared that each animal was supposed to go with a letter but that didn't match up either. So the Zebra, instead of being with Z was matched with the letter C. I then found an octopus, who was paired with the letter L. The elephant as matched with Q and the giraffe was matched with H. So if we were going in order of the pictures on the wall- then the code was QCLH.

I still wasn't sure what that meant. I looked around and my thoughts started to wander. What immature decisions did I make to get here? Was it really skipping school and getting into an argument with my parents? Were they behind this?

Or was this one of my friends getting back at me for liking a girl he liked? Or could this be one of those girls I broke up with that had like an obsession with me?

I broke out of that thought process when I noticed the blocks in front of the toy box. I saw a Q and an H, which gave me an idea. I went over to them and picked them up- sure enough, each block had a number on it. Q-4, C-9, L-2, H-5. I went over to the toy box and entered the four digit code and sure enough, it opened.

Inside, there was a toy cell phone,  a stuffed dog that barked a lullaby and was super annoying and a baby puzzle in a box. Clearly the puzzle was going to give a clue but what did the dog and the phone do. Even though it was plastic, you tried to call a number on it. Obviously, it didn't work.

Realizing that you just typed in seven numbers, a thought popped into your head... you raced over to the pictures again- staring at the seven numbers. What order did they go?

Looking at the frames again, you noticed all of the colors in the rainbow- then noticed the rainbows in all of the pictures (Rainbow Dash, the rainbow on the pink floyd shirt, the rainbow of the peacock logo, then the obvious rainbows.) ROYGBIV!

Placing the frames in that order (red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, dark blue, purple)- you matched up the photos. Looking at the numbers on the back and dialing it- you heard a click. The back of the phone popped off, revealing a key...

So you had another key, a dog, and a puzzle- and were one step closer to escaping.

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