The Dog

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I sat on the floor defeated. I had no idea what time it was but I felt like I had been in this room for ages. My diaper started to fill again but I didn't even notice it- I was getting used to the feeling. Finally, I just cried out, "Mommy!"- remembering that I had two clues left.

The voice came back on- "Baby, I think you should take a nap."

I didn't want a nap but understood that it was a clue. So I got up and went towards the crib and laid down. "Silly, you can't nap with the lights on..." I got back up and went over to the lights, turning them back off. On the way back to the crib- I accidentally stepped on the dog, which barked out Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, again to my annoyance. I then climbed up in the crib and laid down.

"Oh baby, remember? You sleep better with your sky moving- turn on your mobile and I will sing you a lullaby. "

I sat up and played with the mobile until finding the switch- which turned on the mobile. It spun around and illuminated the ceiling and part of the wall, simulating a night sky. The voice began to sing the scariest lullaby I have ever heard. It was Twinkle Twinkle Little Start but in the low pitch that it talked in. After singing it, the voice was not heard from again.

That was the clue? I just need to lay here and think of something. I almost said "Mommy" again but figured I would get the same clue. I stared at the ceiling, thinking that maybe the stars would spell something or an answer would just appear. Instead, my eyes kept drifting to the mobile, that would shine brighter than everything occasionally. There must have been a mirror or something that when it hit the light perfectly, would blink. It seemed like a major design flaw if it was supposed to keep me sleeping.

Finally after a few minutes, I couldn't just sit there. That light was distracting me from trying to solve the clue, so I stood up and grabbed the mobile, looking for the source. Looking at each of the pieces, I finally settled on a star- the smallest star.

I was an idiot- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star... that light was the clue. Turning off the mobile and finding the star again, I noticed that this star was different from the others. I climbed out of the crib and turned the lights on before returning- and further examining it. The star was a mirror and etched in the mirror were the numbers 1615. I got mad for a minute, unsure how they thought I was going to get all of this from a dog barking a song but got over it since I just wanted out.

I went back to the door and tried 1-6-1-5 but it didn't unlock. Knowing what I had already assumed, this was actually to the lock box. I inputted the code and opened the box up. There was another note.

"I am looking forward to Tyler's photoshoot! I have a bunch of props and backdrops from a photoshoot I did with my niece we didn't end up using that I think you guys will absolutely adore. I normally just ask the parents to bring their baby in whatever outfit they want the main photos to be done it and to bring things that are important to the baby in their first year like a blanket or stuffed animal they love. Sometimes the door to the studio auto-locks and we can't hear a knock, so let yourself in the code is  *-*-*-5-4-7."

The first three numbers were smeared but had to be the book code. So I approached the door again, typing 8-9-4-5-4-7. Hitting the unlock button, I heard the mechanism working. I started to turn the handle but heard the voice from the monitor. "Don't forget your blankie and Mr. Bear Bear."

I turned around and grabbed the blanket from the crib and grabbed the arm of the giant teddy bear, dragging them both into the closet. I turned the door handle and opened up the hidden room.

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