The Secret Room

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Walking into the room, it was much brighter than the nursery- there were lights everywhere. In the back left corner of the room was a computer and a TV screen. In the back right corner of the wall were a bunch of toys and a kitchen playset. In the center of the right wall- was a sheet, set up with a backdrop with lights around it. In the near right corner was a box overflowing with clothes and a bunch of clothes hanging on a rack. There was nothing to the near left corner, instead the left wall was just lined with wall mirrors- which I expected to be two-way mirrors with my captors behind me. In the center was a camera and more floor lights behind it- the cords to all the lights went underneath a long rug that was taped to the floor and out of a hole in the mirrored wall- that barely could fit all of the cords.

A different voice came through the room, through some intercom system.

"Oh my gosh- he is adorable!" The woman's voice started. "We are going to get Mommy and Daddy pictures I know they are going to love. So on the TV screen, I will show you an idea of what we want your baby to do using the props around the room and the objects you brought and the screen in the middle of the room... Let's get started."

All of a sudden, a picture of a baby in the exact outfit I was wearing, just sitting down and smiling. I continued to look around the room, examining the props and the other clothes that were in the room. Some I recognized from the photos in the album and others seemed familiar. The voice, which I called the photographer, spoke back up.

"He seems a little distracted, which happens, hopefully we can get you out of here before your party."

That got my interest, I had been here all day and wasn't sure how close to 7 it was.

"Go sit down on the screen baby!"

Remembering the time, I walked over there and sat down. The camera then flashed- and my image popped up on the screen, side by side with the sample image.

"That's no good- there was no smile and his arms were all in the wrong spot."

I realized that she wanted an exact replica- so I sat back down and opened my arms up, like you were going to hug somebody and faked a big, open mouth smile. The camera flashed again- then the image popped back up.

Looking at the screen, it looked ridiculous- the comparison between me and an actual baby. Over your image was a darker line- almost like a water mark.

"Perfect, let's get another one."  Another image popped up and a picture of an actual baby , this time sitting in the lap of a teddy bear popped up. This baby also seemed familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. I understood what was happening, so I went and got the giant teddy bear. I dragged it in front of the screen and got another picture. Again, the side by side popped up and another mark was placed over the image of me.

The routine was torture- there would be an image and I had to match it. Sometimes dragging over blue and white balloons, giant blocks that spelled ONE, or some other prop that was scattered around the room- I then had to pose- sometimes on my hands and knees, sometimes bending over and looking between my legs and tutu, but always with a large smile on my face.

If I didn't match the picture, I would be asked to take it again- if I did, a picture of me with some marking over it would appear on the screen. But was promptly replaced with another image. After a few shots, I thought I was done but instead an image of an outfit was placed on the screen and I was asked to change.

This is why there were no locks on the onesie this time. The first change was a just a dress- and I say just a dress because that was some of the best options. Throughout the shoot- I had to willingly put on footed pajamas, onesies with babyish designs- some of which were part of larger costumes. One onesie was lady bug print- that needed to be paired with tights- accented with wings and antennae headbands. There was a pumpkin costume thing that needed to be worn over tights, a Santa onesie, and a turkey costume. I needed to pose in just a diaper with a bow and arrow and wings- it was around this time that I was wearing an outfit for each month, like a calendar.

This was taking forever- it felt like hours. I was posing with toys, pacifiers, bottles, and basically being forced to look happy acting like a baby. If I didn't- I would just be told to go again. I refused for a while but was reminded of the party and the time- but through the "Photographer" talking to "Mommy" and "Daddy". It was like I didn't exist.

Finally, after going through all of the clothes, I was shown just a t-shirt and a diaper. So I went over to the box and found the white t-shirt and put it on- which barely covered the waist. I was shown a few poses- which exposed my diaper, which at this point was sagging pretty far.

Finally, I was shown a picture with a baby with a cake. I searched around the room and couldn't find the cake. After searching, the voice spoke again.

"Let's take a break here for a second and check to see what  you want- then we can do the cake..."

The computer screen flashed on. I walked over to it to see that there was just a giant print button. I grabbed the mouse and clicked it. All of a sudden, pictures came printing out from a printer underneath the computer.

There just kept coming but eventually, 30 pictures printed (out of the hundreds that you took). Laying them all out on the floor, I needed to figure out what they meant.

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