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The door was already opened- so I saw a figure approaching. This wasn't the "Babysitter"; instead, it was a familiar face. It was Meghan, my ex.

She was smiling and I got angry- "What the heck, Meghan!" I shouted.

"Shhh, its okay. Somebody's a little bit fussy...." she responded, still talking to me like I was a baby. She set whatever she had in her hands on the stand.

"Yeah, I am fussy because you..." she shoved a pacifier in my mouth, holding it against me while I tried to muffle the rest of that sentence.

"I need you to calm down, unless you want somebody else to come check out the noise..." she said, calmly.

That shut me right up. She let go of the pacifier and I just left it in my mouth. She then moved towards the edge of the table and started to undo my diaper. She then started to talk, while I listened.

"I am sorry that it had to go this way, I just thought you needed to time to grow up a little. I really wanted to talk to you at the party but when I got there, you were already kissing another girl. That was an immature decision- we should have tried to work it out but you weren't ready to make grown up decisions..." she started.

"I didn't even plan for it- it just kind of happened." you tried to explain- talking through the pacifier. She lifted my legs and began to wipe me.

"Yeah, when I called Lilly (the new girl you became friends with) crying on the way home, she explained that you probably didn't mean to hurt me- that you just weren't grown up. She called most high school boys babies." she continued- as she pulled the diaper away from me.

"That's when she suggested somebody needed to help you grow up and make the right decision- so I figured I could be the person." she then pulled a diaper off of the stack.

"By kidnapp- hey wait, I don't need to wear those, I solved your stupid puzzle." i argued, realizing what was happening.

She nodded, "Yeah, you don't need these anymore- but you still have the meds in you and might not have full control yet. I figured one of these, which aren't as noticeable and don't have print on them might be better for you but if not- I brought these." She reached down and held up a pair of dinosaur briefs, that might as well been for a four year old. "If you want to risk and accident, I will let you pick."

I was in a no win situation but definitely didn't want to wet myself at a party, so I willingly chose to wear a diaper. She began to unfold it with two hands- which was different from the "Baby Sitter" I realized. This caused me to ask who knew about this.

"Well, obviously me. But then I asked Lilly for help. She got her sister and her sisters friend. They also got two people from their college- one of them was an ABDL, hence the stuff. But they all promised not to say anything." She said as she started to tape lay the new diaper underneath me and powder me.

I didn't know what an ABDL was but wasn't pleased that six people had been in on this. She could tell that I wasn't happy and continued to explain, reaching for her laptop that she brought in.

"Look, the college kids just came home for vacation and won't be back, except Lilly's sister. They have no idea who you are. Lilly is actually moving to her dad's so she won't be her much longer either, so you are good."

She continued, "I know you are probably mad at me but I would still like to talk and try to work this thing out. Nobody around here will know, except me- and I will stick to my word. I won't tell anybody. "

She then opened the laptop, placing a flash drive from her pocket in it. She pulled up the files in some program you had never seen- this revealed the videos of you walking around in the escape room, along with the photos of you from the previous hours some of which also revealed the people in on it posing with you. There was the calendar and photoshoot photos. You could see the delete button but she didn't press it, instead closed the laptop setting it back on the stand.

"I think it is only fair that I get to keep these because of what you did to me. I won't show them but want to look at them- honestly, I think you looked really cute plus it was a lot of fun. It seems like a fair trade- and again, I hope that we can make it work out between us, maybe even do this again sometime... but willingly" she giggled while finishing diapering you. She then undid your restraints.

"So there was this polo that had those onesie snaps, it'll help hide the diaper from riding over your pants and sagging. If you don't want to wear that, then there is just a t-shirt. But I'll let you dress yourself, see you at the party." she then exited out the door and then out the second door, leaving you laying on the table.

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