The Photo Album

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Opening the album- it was clear what the voice meant when they said that you were getting accustomed to your new life style... the captors had been hard at work. The very first page was just a photo of you, sitting in the middle of your nursery, wearing nothing but a diaper and sucking on a pacifier. The diaper was not a normal adult diaper- instead it was purple and had rocking horses and balloons on it, with pink sides- plus it was huge.

I did not remember this moment but my eyes were open- so I must have been awake. The voice was right when they said that I probably wouldn't have remembered it- as the drugs they used must have been strong.

After the "Title page", the photo album looked like a scrapbook- with the standard baby decorations and borders that you would expect, except that each photo wasn't of a baby and instead a large boy wearing diapers. Each photo was taken using an old Polaroid camera, so the pictures were labelled and had a "date"

The captors had went all out on this thing- the early photos were ones that you would expect of newborn photos. Just a lot of me laying down on either the floor or in the crib, wearing an assortment of embarrassing diapers and outfits. They had photos of me in a bunch of different snap onesies that were designed for babies- most of which still revealed my diaper. The designs were clearly meant for babies, ranging from "Beyond Cute", "Mommy's Princess", and "I love Daddy" phrases to designs with dinosaurs, monsters in diapers, or very girly pink princesses. There was always a pacifier clipped to the onesie and I was normally wearing some form of fuzzy sock or sometimes even knitted booties that a baby would wear. In a couple photos, I was even awake- nonetheless smiling. There were some photos that were closeups of my face and I was laughing.

In some of the photos, there were other people- either this girl, who I never saw her face. It was either the back of her head, her head was down, or it was covered. The album listed her as mommy. There was one of me laying in her lap, in a rocking chair- she was holding a bottle in my mouth- labelled "Mommy feeding Ty Ty 8-15-21." I wasn't sure why this stuck out to me but it did.

In other photos, there was this guy- who again, always had his face away from the camera. There were a few photos of him actually carrying me, with my legs wrapped around his waist. I again was smiling in some of these, which I am not sure how they managed to fake that. He was called "Daddy" in the descriptions.

Flipping through the pages, I saw even more photos of me- wearing footed pajamas, dresses, and overalls. The girl from earlier showed up in some photos, labelled the "Babysitter". Things got even more horrific for me, when I realized that not all of these photos were taken in a house. There were photos of me in broad daylight- although not in places I recognized. In one, I was running around a fenced yard in just a diaper- smiling away. In another, I was in an oversized stroller, being pushed by storefronts that I did not recognize. There was one of me in a pool, wearing floaties and in a seated tube.

The ones that really horrified me though, were places that I recognized. These were all night time photos- included one of me in the baby swing at the park right behind my house, with "Mommy" pushing me- or the one of me in an oversized carseat with a clearly exposed diaper- with my high school in the background.

Continuing to flip through the book, I saw photos of me getting bathed, photos of me getting diaper changes (including one with a very messy diaper) which made me think back to the current situation- as I had to poop.

I tried keeping my mind off of it but to no avail- the laxatives won and I couldn't stop it. I started to cry- I wasn't any closer to getting out and was now sitting in a messy diaper. I tried to rip the pajamas off but the lock was making that impossible. Rolling around and trying to brute force it open- just made me more tired and spread everything around. Eventually, I just laid there defeated... until the voice came back over the monitor- "Just checking in, is everything alright?" the words were innocent enough but the tone was still scary.

Words were still struggling to come out of my mouth but were at least more understandable- I tried saying "No I am stuck in a poopy diaper and just want to leave!" but instead got, "Na I ah ta na poo di ah uh wa ta wev" But the voice understood- "Remember what you need to do when you need a change..."

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