Picture Frames

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There were seven frames that you had taken from the wall. Sitting back down on the heart rug- you laid them out side by side. Each of them a different color:

Orange frame- There was a picture of me being held by "Daddy" who was just wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I was wearing the "I love Daddy" onesie and holding the light blue My Little Pony. I was staring at the camera, with my head on his shoulder.

Dark Blue frame- This one was a picture of me in the carseat. I was asleep and holding on to a stuffed elephant. Nothing special- I couldn't see the clothes I was wearing since the shot was sideways but noticed that I had Paw Patrol socks on. In the window, "Daddy" was outside looking in, with a NBC hat covering his face.

Purple frame- This one was a picture of me sitting in the jumper, which was higher than it was currently. I was barely touching the ground on my tiptoes. I was reaching in the air for something and was wearing a pink onesie with unicorns, the sun, and clouds with rainbows coming out. I had no pacifier and a large smile on my face.

Red frame- This next one was a picture of me in a stroller in broad daylight, with "Mommy" crouching down. I was wearing a yellow shirt or onesie with pink flowers but had a pair of denim overalls over the top. My eyes were closed, so I was probably sleeping. We were stopped infront of a building that had a pride flag in the window but I couldn't make out the name.

Yellow frame- This picture was of me in an oversized walker outside. I had no clothes on, from what I could tell. My hands were again above my head and I had a huge open mouth smile. On the sidewalk, there were chalk drawings. Right in front of the walker, was the words "Ty Ty" written in chalk. There were stars, moons, raindrops, and rainbows surrounding them.

Light Blue frame- The next one was a picture of me laying across "Mommy's" lap. I was being fed from a bottle and was covered in a blanket. The blanket, like a lot of other stuff in here was weather themed. There were sunshines, rainbows, and birds on the blanket. Mom was sitting in a rocking chair, with "Daddy" in the background.

Green Frame- The last picture was of "Daddy" holding me and posing with "Mommy." We were standing in front of a daycare. The name was covered by us standing there. "Mommy" had on a Pink Floyd shirt, "Daddy" was wearing an Adidas shirt, and I was in a onesie with a pink tutu on it and a pacifier in my mouth.

I was not sure what any of those pictures meant, or how they would be a clue. I knew I had seen some of them in the photo album- so I opened it up. Finding some of them, I realized that the descriptions were pretty vague and the "dates" were all over the place. I took one of them out to compare- realizing that there was a number written on the back.

I went through the rest of the photo album, finding a match for all of the pictures, and sure enough- they all had numbers on the back of them. 

I stared at the numbers, trying to see a pattern but there wasn't. And I wasn't sure what this even helped with, so I decided to put that off to the side- trying not to waste any time. I didn't even really stop, when the diuretics kicked in and I used the diaper. I was too busy scanning the room to see what else could be solved.

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