The Bottle

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The "Baby Sitter" re-entered the room, commenting on how I was a mess and that I needed changed. She placed the bottle in my mouth and letting me hold on to it- finishing the disgusting, warm milk. I was barely able to drink it but knowing that there was a clue on it gave me the motivation to keep going- plus it distracted me from the change.

While I was sucking away at the bottle, I began to think about why I was in this escape room in the first place. I still wasn't sure who was behind this. I thought more about my last night at home- my sisters were being annoying, begging me to go outside with them and play on the trampoline. I was too busy messaging my friends about a party that we were going to that night. My dad got home and started yelling at me about my report card- on how I was a straight A student before this year and now had D's. My mom jumped in about how disappointed she was in me and grounded me.

I went up to my room, where I told them I planned on staying for the night. Instead, I was plotting on sneaking out. My ex had messaged me and told me that she wanted to meet up at the party so we could talk and work things out. To be honest, I kind of missed her so I was thinking about it. Eventually, I snuck out of my window and ran down the street where my friends was waiting in their car.

We drove to the party and he was talking about how he wanted to make a move on this girl and needed me to be his wing man. We pulled up to the party and went inside, heading over to get drinks. We went up to the girl he was talking about and started a conversation, I was hyping him up but the girl and I hit it off. Eventually, she made the conversation basically between us two- freezing him out.

After going back and getting drinks for us, we went to a separate room and started kissing. The door opened before anything else could happen but the brightness made it so I couldn't see who it was. The girl said that she made a mistake and then took off. I was so bummed that I went to go find my friend to leave but he had already taken off. I waited around for my ex but she never showed- and ghosted me when I texted her.

I ended up walking back to my house- I don't remember ever getting back though. The next thing I remembered was waking up here. I guess I pissed off everybody that last day, so I was no closer to figuring out who was up to this.

As she undid my soaked onesie, I was basically done with the bottle- so I began inspecting the design. There were two white outlines of giraffes on the bottle, extending from the bottom to the top. Each giraffe had spots- the rest of the bottle was decorated with very small shapes- circles, squares, hearts, stars, and smiley faces. As I was inspecting it, the "Baby Sitter" grabbed the bottle and placed it back in my mouth, saying that I was almost finished...

I thought I was, since there was barely anything sitting at the bottom. As I sucked that down, I noticed the bottom of the bottle... there was a design there too. Quickly turning the bottle, I saw the five shapes- the star, smiley face, square, heart, and circle. That must be the key- I counted the number of each on the bottle and realized that had to be a code to one of the lock boxes in the closet.

As I was realizing this, the diaper was being taped up. My restraints were then removed and the "Baby Sitter" pulled the onesie off from over my head- she then approached the closet, saying that she was surprised that it was open. Grabbing the dry cleaning bag, she removed the clothes from inside.

"I always thought your parents wanted a girl," the Baby Sitter chuckled. "I guess they aren't in to gender norms, at least..."

She then placed a onesie over my head and snapped it up- this time not even locking it. She then placed the restraints back on my wrists. The onesie was white, with blue cursive lettering that said, "It's my first birthday", except the word first was in gold sparkles. She then grabbed a very blue tutu and slid it up over my legs and on my hips. The tutu had a massive gold bow on it. She then finished the piece by placing a blue headband on me with a gold bow.

She placed the time locks back on my restraints and then exited the room again.

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