The Room

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I started to step over the railing but realized that I still didn't have full strength in my legs. So I plopped over the rail and landed on my bottom- fortunately, the diaper saved me some pain. Not being able to walk but eager to get out of there, I got on my hands and knees and began crawling- probably much to the delight of my captors. But at this point I didn't care.

I quickly crawled around the corner of the closet, where the woman exited and noticed two doors. One with multiple padlocks on it and the other a metal sliding door- with no lock on the inside. This must have been the one the woman came through, only being able to be unlocked from the outside. If I wanted to get out- I needed all of the keys to the others.

I noticed a sign hanging on the wall next to the door. It was pre-made but filled in with chalk:

"Hi I am: Tyler

I am _1_ years old

I can: Crawl, Hold my own bottle, and play

Today I am going to: Read, Nap, Eat, Play, Take Pictures, and Celebrate My Birthday

I feel happy: When I'm playing, with my Babysitter, and in a fresh diaper

The thing I love most is: Puzzles "

I could barely make out the words without my glasses but the writing was just big enough for me to read it- although blurry. Since I have actually done a few escape rooms before- the sign wasn't lying when they said I liked puzzles- I understood how this was going to work... I was just hoping that what the person said was true: If I beat it, then everything would go away. The party was to start at 7 but I had no idea what time it was currently, so I had to move fast.

I were sure that the sign was a clue but didn't know for what yet- and since I wasn't able to pull myself up yet, I couldn't grab it. So instead I crawled around the room, looking at all of the decorations and props- getting my hands on what I could.

Crawling along the pink wall, I headed towards the toy box- which not to my surprise, was locked- with a 4 number padlock. There were different colored baby blocks on the outside- each of which had a number, letter, and a picture- those for sure were going to be what opened something. I pulled myself up on the toy box and on to my knees, which gave me just enough height to touch the cloud decorations. Feeling the wooden cloud, I felt a piece of paper which was taped face down. Pulling it off and squinting hard, you started to read the note- piecing together the words you could not see:

"Thanks for watching Ty Ty today!

He usually wakes up around 6:30 but hopefully he sleeps in for you. I changed him right before I left, so he shouldn't need one right when he gets up. Normally he plays for a few minutes but will get hungry, so I left a bottle for him on the stand in his nursery- make sure he drinks ALL of it!

He will probably need a change, not too long after that. He gets fussy, so in order for him to actually get changed- he will probably need to put his hands in the restraints before you come and get him. You will want to change him well before he needs it

Other than that, nothing more than your normal baby. He will probably play until lunch time, then he will need a nap. He sleeps best in absolute darkness with his favorite stuffy. 

We are taking pictures today for his birthday, so if you are able to get him around for that- his outfits are in the closet- the key to that is in the drawer of his changing table.

We are trying to make sure we read to him everyday, so we left three books in the drawer with the key- they are pretty fun books so you might enjoy them.

He does pretty well occupying himself, he isn't a super needy baby. He will sleep when he is ready, you will know he needs a change when he is on the table, and when he is hungry- he will get in his jumper. Besides that- he won't need much.

If you need any help- call Mommy, we might be able to lead you in the right direction. We probably only have time for 3 phone calls so don't waste them...



I was certain that there were a ton of clues in that letter, I just needed to know what they meant. There were certainly keys located around the room- including one in the changing table. I continued crawling around the room, when I got to the jumper. It was mounted on the ceiling- I tried to pull yourself up to it but instead just pulled it down towards the ground. Unfortunately, I couldn't grasp that yet and didn't want to waste time- so I would come back to it when I could stand.

I crawled over to the teddy bear in the corner, which was just as big as I was. There wasn't anything super noticeable about it- it just looked like an oversized teddy bear, like the one my sister's "boyfriend" got her for valentines day. Above the bear, was a hammock with a bunch of stuffed animals but I couldn't reach them.

Continuing along the side wall, I got to the stand before the changing table- where I could now see the bottle, which was much larger than your typical baby bottle. There was also a photo album labelled Ty Ty's First Year. I pulled that out and tossed it to the center of the room- planning on looking at that first.

Other than that, the stand had nothing. I crawled over to the changing table, which had two drawers- both of which were locked. The top had a "bed like" cushion for presumably me to lay, when I needed a "change". There were cuff like restraints on each side for arms to go into. I was able to pull myself up and stand for a minute- holding on to the table. I began looking at the pictures but really needed my glasses to make anything out.

Crawling back to the crib wall, there were just more pictures I couldn't see and the crib. I got to the closet, which was also locked. So there wasn't much in the room for me to start on- the clues were going to either be in the photo album, the bottle, the bear, or the blocks. So crawling back to the heart rug, I opened the photo album and began trying to solve my way out of the room.

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