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Do you ever have that feeling leaving your country, moving out to a new country with new school and new people? If you hadn't then, your lucky. I just moved out from London, even tho am American but I was born in London. I was forced to go to highschool which I hate.... A lot.

LA isn't bad, but it's weird. I've never been here before, or I never tried to imagine how it looked like, back in London I hadn't made so much friends or been close to someone and that's a relief because why? I would've been in my room sobbing right now.

I was reading a book, it's almost 6 which means after few minutes my mom will call for dinner. We had been here for 4 days, and I already finished unpacking my stuff with the help of the maid, she doesn't live with us. She came here to help us and leave.

"Dinner is ready!" My mom yelled from downstairs, see? Told you. I sighed, placing my book back at my nightstand which is next to the bed before heading downstairs. I went to give my mom a kiss on the cheek thanking her for everything. "Hey honey, can you go get your sister from upstairs? I think she is busy with her Barbie doll and didn't hear me." My mom asked as I quietly nodded making my way upstairs.... Again.

I have a sister, she is just 5 years old. I don't have any siblings just her and gladly, she isn't annoying like what I've heard of having siblings, she is just quiet and cute, oh and she loves me more than her mother. I slowly opened her door incase she is sleeping but thankfully, she was watching cartoon while playing with her dolls.

"Anna? Come on, dinner is ready." I softly said. Her head snapped into my direction with the most bright smile I've ever seen. "Come on let's go." I carried her and went back downstairs.

My mother took her from me and seated her in her place which is next to my mom, I took a seat next to my dad. We started eating quietly before my mom spoke. "You will go school on Sunday, it's Friday so we better get your stuff ready."

I almost choke on my water, my eyes widened as I looked at her. "I thought I told you I want to stay here 2 weeks then go to school mom." I groaned.

"Look Rylee, I understand that you don't like school and what did I say when you told us about that 2 weeks? I said okay and did whatever you want, I didn't know school will start on Sunday if I knew darling I would've booked the ticket earlier." My dad said.

"Fine, but... you, mom and dad, tell me. You've been in highschool before, is junior and senior hard?" I asked them.

"Well.... I used to be kind of a... nerd? I don't know, but I loved school and studies, I used to focus about no one but my studies so it was easy for me." My dad shrugged, I eyed my mom signaling for her to tell me.

She sighed placing down her fork, "I wasn't that focused if we are being honest here, I just thought it was boring and I hated it, just like you. So it was really hard for me and I somehow graduated, but I skipped collage anyways."

"You're junior now Rylee, and I want you to focus on your studies. Forget about everything and anything but your studies, okay?" He rubbed my back.

I nodded softly, we continued eating while talking about some stupid things. After dinner I made my way upstairs to see my phone ringing. I was about to pick it up but whoever was calling already hang up. And.... Shit.

10 missed calls from baby

It was my boyfriend, Noah. I don't know why but I kind of panic when I have lots of missed calls. I quickly called back. On the first ringing he picked it up. "Hello?" I said trying to calm down.

"Oh hey love, I kept calling you a lot." I could hear him pouting.

"Sorry, I was having dinner."

"Whatever, I have some news to tell you.... Happy news."

"Tell me." I was kind of excited.

"So.... I uh, I'm moving out.... To LA." He said as I jumped from excitement.

Noah and I met in an coffee shop, he came to London for vacation 4 months and will leave. We spent that 4 months together, he even canceled his ticket and stayed with me another 3 months. One he had to leave we decided we will be still in relation ship. I was in freshman! He went back to New York, and I think LA and New York Is in the same country right?

"No way!" I exclaimed. "Am so happy for you, finally!" I squealed, oh did I mention that in summer break I used to see him? He comes just to see me and then goes back to his country.

"Yeah, Am so done with my school bullshit, and when You told me your moving out to LA, I had to do something. I signed up in your school." He said which made me more excited.

"Omg omg omg your slapping me with those words that will make me pass out, I LOVE YOU!!!" I shouted at the end but not so loud for my parents to hear.

"I love you too." He laughed. "But..... You will be in junior and I'll be in senior, plus you know how much I love soccer, so... I don't know it will be kind of hard to see you, but I'll still see you like in then morning, in the hallways you know."

"It's okay it's better than nothing!" I exclaimed before calming down. "Alright love, I guess I'll have to go now, I'll tell my parents about the news, read my book, play with Anna a little before she sleeps then I'll sleep."

"Okay bye, love you!"

"Love you too!" I said before hanging up. Before you say anything, in London, when people say 'love' it doesn't have to be romantic, is just kind of.... I don't know, but even if you were a stranger, I will call you love.

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