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It was lunch time, I somehow been able to find my classes without Maggie's help. But In the hallways, in math class she had with me I noticed something off was with her. It made me more curious about what she wants to tell me.

I was sitting lonely at a table in the cafeteria, I didn't like school food so I always had m&ms with me in my backpack. I felt a presence sitting next to me, I looked up it was Maggie. "If you don't mind of course me sitting here." She sighed.

"No not at all, I don't mind." I smiled at her. She looked at me before smiling. It made me furrow give the explain-what-the-heck-is-wrong-with-you

"Yeah I told you I wanted to talk." She looked at the table.

"Yeah... spit it out I've been curious since first period." I admitted. Still not moving on the fact noah didn't tell me about her.

"Noah...." She sighed. "He didn't tell me about you, that he had girlfriend."

"Is that.... A problem?" I asked.

"Yes, because my sister dated his brother, and they moved out together and decided to live in Germany." She shook her head. "Let me get this clear, when my sister met his brother he was in London at this time and for the first time. When he came back and I met him I couldn't help but see how much attractive he was, I admitted that he was so attractive and asked me if I wanted to go on a date with him...."

She paused, it hit me. He was cheating. I kind of knew it, that's why the spark is gone. He ruined our relationship, he took away that spark. "And?" I tried to control myself and listen to her, it wasn't her fault anyways.

"I said yes, since then, we kept dating he tells me he has to go London to meet his mother and I don't really mind. I always wanted to spend summer break with him. This when I had to move in here, to LA. My mom got divorced from her new husband so that's why, anyways. He said he can't live without me and bla bla bla, so he moved in here and came to school here and then... when he introduced me to you as his "friend" i was mad, and then I knew the truth...."

I looked at her and I was hurt, it hurts. He ruined our relationship, he ruined everything. And it's not her fault, she didn't know. And then once she knew she came and told me, I have learned that if your boyfriend was cheating on you with someone and that someone doesn't know, be friends with her.

"I had my ways I learned everything, that you were in a relationship with him. Which was in the morning, I didn't have free period, I skipped class to talk to him and learn everything he hid from me, and then I couldn't help but tell you so he doesn't fool you like he did, I dumped him and left him and now it's your time.... If you want." She shrugged.

I smiled at her grabbing her hands. "I love you for telling me this, love. I would love to dump him with you, and then be friends with you."

She smiled at me. "Thank you so much, I thought you will be so mad at me. Oh and by the way." She furrowed. "Did you just call me "love"?"

"Oh, I live in London, so when we say love is like... we don't mean it in romantic way or something. Like it's normal 'love' is like respect and appreciation we don't have to mean it in a romantic way you get me?"

"Yes yes." She laughed. "So, I can call you 'love'?"

"Yes of course, only if you don't mean it in an romantic way." I winked at her and she laughed more.

Oh shit shit shit what is wrong with you Rylee you idiot, she ugh.

"Anyways." Her laughter died down slowly. "Friends?"

"Friends." We shook hands before the bell rang. "Guess it's time to go, see you after school for dumping him." I said getting up as she did.

"Yeah I'll see you later bye!" She said disappearing between crowds.

"Glad you made a friend on your first day." I turned around to see that cute boy from earlier.

"Yeah I guess." I blushed lightly.

"Oh, and blushing on the first day? What type are you?" He joked.

"You didn't tell me your name."

"I don't want to tell my name." He shrugged.

"But why?" I whined.

"I wanna be mysterious." He chuckled. "What do you have now?"

"Uhm...." I took out my schedule fast. "I have biology."

"Your class is next to mine, come on wanna walk together?"

"Your "girlfriend" from earlier wouldn't mind? I don't want her getting lost." I rolled my eyes.

He chuckled. "No she is just jealous, come on let's go." I nodded as he walked me to my class.

"Thank you so much mysterious boy for walking me to my class."

"Your welcome mysterious girl, you won't tell me your name?" He raised his eye brows, hands tucked in his pockets.

"Uh...." Shall I? Or shall I be mysterious? "No. I have to go." I opened my class room door and teacher wasn't there luckily. I sat in the back of the class, waiting for the teacher to come.

And I would be lying if I said I was paying attention.... My mind in another life, thinking about that mysterious cute boy. Making some weird scenarios in my head. Oh boy, I guess am crushing.

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