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Leo and I spent the whole night talking. I told him about my little sister Anna and he really loved her already. He sat with her and ate. Even tho I ordered a meal for Bethany because it may be rude to eat and she doesn't no matter how much I hated her, she said she doesn't want her meal.

Like who says no for a big Mc? Anyways I didn't ask or say anything I gave her meal to Leo and ate my nuggies peacefully watching my crush playing with my little sister. Physically am fine, emotionally am bruised.

Once we got home I explained to Leo why do I hate Bethany and bla bla bla. I told him about my past which doesn't have anything but some funny/embarrassing memories.

We kept making jokes until we got tired, we laid back next to each other staring at the ceiling while we start saying some embarrassing moment happened to us.

We ended up falling asleep which I didn't expect. When I woke up from my alarm this morning seeing a peaceful Leo sleeping next to me in my bed, his chest rising and falling again and he looked so.... Cute. I was satisfied but then freaked out when I realized....

Leo is sleeping in my bed next to me. I slowly woke him up since we are supposed to go to school. He went back home and promised he will finish fast then come and pick me up.

I wore a pink jacket with pink pants and a white tank-top that exposed above my belly button. Even tho I know am screwed when the principal will see me but... who cares?

Right now I was eating breakfast which was pancakes, waiting for Leo. Across of me Bethany next to Anna eating their breakfast in silence. I heard a car horning outside from the house.

I quickly got up washing my dish then my hands before leaving. I quickly texted Leo to give me 2 minutes before grabbing a paper and wrote my number in it.

I slammed it infront of bethany's face. "This is my number, call me incase. And plus keep in mind you're not allowed to leave the house without my permission, I can easily fire you." I warned before leaving the house without waiting for her response.

I hopped in the passenger seat as Leo started the car. "Good morning." He said catching a glance from me.

"Didn't we say that like when we woke up?" I blushed from the realization that we slept in the same bed.

"Cant be a 'good morning' but part 2?" He joked. I laughed sarcastically before rolling my eyes. "But seriously, when you came over to my house and I gave you that hoodie-"

"Your not taking it back, if you gave me a hoodie you won't have it back."

"But I didn't know so you should give it back."

"I'm sorry, silly me for warning you that I'm gonna have to steal your hoodie and not giving it back to you." I sarcastically said again.

"Jeez, I'll have it back one day."  He said under his breathe but enough for me to hear. I rolled my eyes then smiling again. Blushing for no reason


Maggie went to sit with some random boy I never seen, so you can say I was sitting lonely eating my m&ms.

"Hello naughty gurl." Leo said as he took a sat across of me. Well I guess I was lonely.

"Hi." I said uninterested.

"Whatcha doing all alone??"

"Maggie went to sit with some random guy." I nodded at Maggie's direction as he looked behind him to see her with that guy.

"Oh, it's Liam." He shrugged stealing some of my m&ms. "He is really a nice guy, never cheated, never played a girl so I guess your friend is fine with him."

"Hmm..." I hummer in response. "What about your relationship with your slut?"

"I haven't seen her in a while actually, she probably with some guy." He shrugged. "You said you had an idea to get rid of her?"

"Oh yeah about that...." I sighed. "That idea I actually didn't like it but I've got better one!"

"Spit it out."

"So I think she uses you for money, if she really loves you she would've been here right now next to you. She probably comes to you when she needs to buy something."

"True. And my dumbass says yes and pay for it." He rolled his eyes.

"Exactly, so here is what we are gonna do. In your house- sorry mansion. Park all the cars behind the house so it's not seen, put on a 'for sale' sign infront of your mansion. Just incase, then go to her that somehow your mom got stuck at whatever country and now you lost everything, cars, money and house. Dress kind of... not rich you know, and also say you can't afford anything now or buy her anything and that you love her and she probably loves you so she will see no use of you anymore and she will ask for a break up." I shrugged.

He froze looking at me as if he was processing what I was just saying. "Your smart."

"I know, it's not my first time I've been giving my taken friends relationship advices while I was single, I learned a lot."

"I get you now. And am gonna do it." He smirked. "Anyways, am gonna go to the bathroom, I won't be late naughty gurl." I nodded as he left.

Few seconds later I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Excuse me?"

I looked behind me to see a muscular guy with green eyes and brunette hair. "Hello, how can I help you?"

"Can I sit here?" He asked politely as I just nodded. "My name is Oliver, am kind of new in here, so I just wanted to make friends."

"My name is Rylee, nice to meet you oliver." I smiled as he offered a hand and of course I accepted and shook his hands.

"Your really beautiful, Rylee." He smiled as I blushed lightly.

"Thank you, you don't look bad yourself." I smiled at him. "How many friends did you make till now?"

"Oh I made friends with 5 boys they are actually group, and your the third girl."

"Hmm." I hummed leaning a little forward to him. "So, any girl caught your eyes?"

"Actually yeah."

"Who is she? Go talk to her."

"I am." He smirked as I blushed hard when I realized.

"Hey naughty gurl." Leo came saving me. "I see you got a friend there, Leonardo." He offered his hands to shake which Oliver accepted and shook it.

"Oliver." He smiled before pulling away, Leo seemed kind of annoyed and mad but played it cool. "Oh uh, am new here actually and am trying to make friends. Sorry Rylee and leonardo I didn't know you have a boyfriend." He said and looked... embarrassed.

I laughed out loud all of a sudden and Leo just chuckled. "1) we aren't in a relationship just friends." Ouch, Leo said as like if he was a knife who stabs me and twists it. "2) don't call me leonardo, Leo please."

Oliver giggled quietly before nodding. "Sorry, Leo." He seemed better than when Leo came.

The bell rang signaling lunch time is over.  "I'm going to my class see you later." Leo said glaring at Oliver before leaving.

"Never mind him, what class do you have now?"

"Uh..." he checked his schedule. Reminding me of my first day. "It's actually history."

"Same, walk together?"

"I would love too." He smiled as we started walking.

"So, is this your first day?" He nodded. "Then why did you skip almost like... 3 weeks or more? Why not when the school started at the very first?"

"I get you, uh.... Well my mother died a month ago. And I don't know I was so... heartbroken I miss her. So then when school started there was no way am going. It took my time to heal. Even tho it takes longer but I get healed pretty fast."

"Am so sorry Oliver." We reached the class and I opened the door.

"You don't have to be sorry." He whispered before sitting in the third row. I decided to sit next to Maggie who was at the last row in the very end.

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