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Noah offered for a ride to school. So in any minutes he must be here. I was wearing a high-wasted jeans and a pair of short hoodie since it's chilly outside.

I grabbed my backpack and my phone and went downstairs for breakfast. Anna was sitting in the counter looking cute as ever, me and her is kind of born different. She has blonde hair and blue eyes while I have dirty blonde hair and green-blue eyes, my parents have brunette hair and brown eyes.

"Good morning." I said, my mom looked back at me smiling then back to her work.

"Morning honey." She said sweetly.

"See my Barbie doll!" Exclaims Anna.

"It's nice Anna, did you eat?" She shook her head.

"I made pancakes, and Anna, you have to eat healthy so here is an apples I cut it in slices." My mom said putting a plate of pancakes in-front of me and Anna apple cut in slices.

She groaned softly. "But mommy! I want like her." She pointed at me I chuckled in response.

"No honey, eat your apples then you can eat like her, am going upstairs to wake your dad we have work too!" She said before leaving me and heading upstairs.

She already knows Noah is picking me up. I sighed slightly before looking at anna, she was pouting looking at her plate. She loves chocolate and candies, I mean what kid doesn't like candies?

"Lets make a deal?" I asked her she nodded in response. "You can eat from my pancakes but don't tell mom." I warned. Her face lit up before nodding. "Awesome, here you go am not hungry ok?"

"Okay." She said before eating my pancakes.

"What do we say, love?"

"fank you." She smiled at me.

"Your welcome." My phone buzzed signaling me it was a text. 'Am out waiting for you love.' It was from Noah. "I have to go say to mommy I love her!" I half yelled to Anna before leaving the house.

I hopped in the passenger seat smiling at him. He pecked my lips quickly before the car moving. "Good morning, did you eat?" He asked.

"No." Still no sparks.... Shall I confront him sweetly with him like mom told me yesterday? Or shall I just ignore it. Or shall I just break up with him? But maybe he is going thru something and he don't know how to tell me? Okay am so upset right now.

"You okay?" He asked me interrupting me from my thoughts.

"Yeah just tired." I sighed he just nodded in response. We finally made it to the school, I hopped out before staring at the building and I have to admit. It was big and large. I really hope it's not disgusting, especially when you have OCD.

"Come on let's go." He said before placing a hand on my waist. I was a bit uncomfortable because.... It didn't make me happy like before. Once we reached the door that leads us inside the building to our classes, he stopped suddenly moving away from me.

"Maggie!" He exclaimed before hugging a girl. I furrowed before looking at them.

"I missed you so much." She pouted, pulling away.

"I missed you too, this is Rylee, Rylee this is Maggie, my friend." He introduced us.

"Friend?" She asked, he hit her lightly in the back. "Oh uh hi." She said looking kind of mad. I looked at them weirdly.

"Yeah whatever, babe, am going inside to get my schedule and stuff." I rolled my eyes leaving them alone. The hallways wasn't that disgusting but I still felt disgusted.

I quietly searched for the principal office and I gladly made it. I knocked lightly before coming in. "Hello, how can I help you?" A women in her late 40s asked.

"Hi, my name is Rylee, Rylee Arthur. I'm new this is my first day." I politely said.

She looked between some papers before looking up at me again. "Rylee, right. Nice to meet you, here is your schedule your locker is written there on top too." She pointed on where my locker is.

"Thank you so much." She nodded in response. I left her office before finding my locker, it took me time and I still don't understand anything. School is bullshit, I wish it sets on fire.

I saw a blonde boy standing next to an locker which I guess is his locker, his eyes glued on his phone, I decided if I can ask for his help. "Hello? Sorry for disturbing but I'm new here and I don't know where my locker is." He looked up at me and he was omg..... he was so attractive with his ocean eyes, what have I gotten myself into?

"Sure, show me your schedule." I handed him my schedule, he looked up at the number or whatever is written in the paper. "It's near from here see that locker that has yellow paper in it?"


"This is your locker, remove the yellow paper so everyone knows this locker is taken, open the locker your books is already there, we have the same class we can walk together if you would like." He handed me back my schedule.

"Sure, I'll uh go grab my books." I awkwardly left him as he just nodded. I took out my English books, which is my first period. And placed it in my backpack. It took me a while to find it, next three period was math, chemistry and ict. So I decided to put its book also in my backpack so I don't need to come back here all the time.

"You done?" A voice asked from behind, I look it was that cute boy from earlier.


"Hey daddy." A chick that had many makeup on, exposing so much skin, blonde and brown eyes came out of nowhere hugging his arms. She looked like a slut.

"Hey zoey..." he slowly said backing away from her.

She finally noticed me looking at me with disgust. "Who is this." She pointed at me looking at him.

"I didn't ask her name yet." He chuckled softly. "She is new here."

"She looks like a slut." She said with the same disgusted face.

"Says the gurl who has her skin exposed with 5kg makeup." I rolled my eyes.

"Hey. Watch your language." She snapped. "Let's go daddy, walk me to class please." She pouted at him. I made a disgust look before shaking it off.

The bell rang and I don't know what bell is this, the it's-time-for-class or you-will-be-late bell. "We are going to be late, you still want me to walk you?" He asked me.

"Ew, walk her? She is not dog, walk me to class am your girlfriend." Ouch, girlfriend? That will be hard to get him....

"Well okay dog, walk her, we don't want her lost... dog." I winked before leaving them finding my class. Luckily I found Maggie she was on her phone too.

"Hey... do you know where English class is?" She looked up at me her smile dropped.

"Yeah... I have free period, I can walk you but after that we need to talk, it's seriously important."

"Yeah okay." I furrowed before following her.

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