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As I was leaving the school, walking home. Someone yelling my name stopping me. "Rylee wait!" I looked behind me, Leo said out of breathe.

"Jeez Leo calm down whats wrong?"

"Do you wanna hang out today? Quinn said she will go to the 'Salon' and will go 'girls shopping' with her friends." He quoted his finger in salon and girls shopping.

"Sure, where do we go? My parents came yesterday."

"My parents came yesterday too." We both laughed a little. "Maybe we can go.... Watch horror movie in the cinemas?"

"No, I won't sleep for a whole month."

"Go eat spicy food?"

"I vomit when I eat spicy food."

"Uhm.... Sushi?"

"Ew no, I hate fish and anything lives in water."

"Jump off a cliff?" He said sarcastically. "Like where else would we go? We went to McDonald's, Pizza Hut, we went to skate board, we went shopping, to your house, my house. Gosh we even went clubbing where else do we go mrs. Arthur?" He folded his arms.

"I'll go take a shower-"

"I'll go take a shower, change my clothes, dry my hair, put my makeup, text my friends, eat then it will be midnight I'll text you." He mocked me.

I laughed. "No no seriously I will finish fast. Just let me see if I have plans with my parents in the first place."

He sighed. "Okay then, I'll see you later naughty gurl." He ruffled my hair before leaving me standing like a dumb mozzarella stick. "Oh right, do you have a ride?" He stopped asking me from a distance. I shook my head no in response. "Well, Quinn won't come with me she doesn't need a ride, do you want me to give you a ride?" I nodded, following him to the car.

Anything just to be close to you, baby.

Before Quinn Leo used to give me a ride everyday. But then came some dipshits and now he gives her a ride and not me. It's not like I care tho, am jealous.

The whole ride Leo kept talking about how his mates are losers in basketball, while all I talked about how delicious nuggies is.

"So ma'am, that will be 200 dollars." Leo said mockingly as he was an Uber.

"Why 200? That's a lot and expensive."

"Yeah, your rich ma'am I'm trying to steal here please play along."

"Whatever am leaving." I ruffled his hair before going in my house. "Hey momma!" I said as she was in the kitchen drinking her tea, eyes glued on her phone.

"Hey love." She looked up at me. "Today we have some plans. My friend came with your father and I to my sister. She is my best friend and she saw you once you were so young. She invited us for dinner."

"Does she have a daughter? Or like a son?"

"Yes, she have a son and I think he is your age maybe older."

"Okay, is that the one you said she is divorced?"

She laughed a little. "Yes she is divorced. So now go change, eat something and then get ready." I nodded my head.

I went in my room without shutting the door. I went in my closet which isn't tiny.... Or too big. It was in the middle. All the clothes and accessories I used to were when I was the old Rylee were on the half and the other half were the new clothes I used to wear so I can fully change my personality.

He is jealous Where stories live. Discover now