Wedding bells

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Kayla's pov___________

I woke up when I hear a knock on my door. 

"Come in" I said and mom walks in and sits down beside me. 

"Morning" Mom said.

"Morning.. What's wrong?" I asked.

"Robin proposed" Mom said and held out her hand and I saw this beautiful ring. 

I gasp "Omg it's so pretty" I said "When is the wedding?" I asked.

"Well with everything going on we don't want to wait, so it's tomorrow" Mom said.

"Wow so soon" I said and she nods.

"I know this is a big step but I love him" Mom said.

"Mom, I know. If Robin makes you happy then I am happy" I said and she kisses my forehead then leaves. 

When she left I got changed and dressed for school. 

I walk downstairs and see Robin and baby Robin. 

"Hey Kayla" Robin said.

"Hey" I said.

"Want to hold her?" He asked. 

"Sure" I nod and he hands her over to me. 

"Aw she's so tiny" I said as she giggled and feel asleep in my arms. 

'Awww" I thought. 

"Look I know this wedding might be a big shocker, but I could never replace your dad" Robin said.

"Robin, I never knew my dad, but I know what you mean. I am cool with you being my new stepdad" I said. 

"You if ever need anything I am right here" He smiles and I smile back and nod. 

I got to school and told Anna and Ray everything. 

"Aw your mom deserves to be happy" Ray said.

"Yeah so when is the wedding?" Anna asked. 

"Tomorrow" I said "You guys are invited" I also said.

"Thank god because it would be more fun with us there" Anna said.

Then I spotted Evan "Got to talk to Evan see you girls later" I said and walked over to him. 

"Hey" I said.

"Hi what's up?" He asked.

"My mom is getting married to Robin tomorrow and I was wondering if you wanted to come?" I asked hoping he would say yes because I really like him. 

Then I saw Axel with purple bruise on his face and a cast around his arm and shoulder as he kept glaring at me. 

'Oh no this is not going to end well' I thought. 

"Your whole family is crazy!" He yelled gaining everyone in the hallway's attention.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused. 

"Your family did this to me "He said as she pointed to his face and his cast on his arm and shoulder. 

"Henry and your psychotics aunt tired to poison me" He said.

"Henry wouldn't do that. He is the author, hero's don't do that" I spat. 

"Leave her alone mate" Evan walks in front of me. 

"Are you kidding me, were best pals and you choose to stick for this this slut instead of me?" Axel spat the word 'slut' and Evan looked so angry he punched Axel and Axel feel to the ground and Even kept punching him. 

"Evan stop he's not worth it" I yelled. 

I touch his shoulder and he stops.

"What are you all looking at?" Evan said to everyone watching and they flee away as fast as possible. 

"I could get you expelled for this" Axel said.

"No you won't" I said "Unless you want me aunt to really poison you, or I would gladly do it myself" I said.

Axel had nothing else to say so he got up and left. 

"So" I said as Evan and I look at each other "Will you come to the wedding?" I asked. 

"Of course I will.. See you tomorrow beautiful" He said and walks away while I blush. 

The next day. 

Everyone is ready to put on the wedding. David said he would walk mom down the Isle. 

Emma, Snow and I are the bridesmaids while aunt Zelena is the maid of honor. 

Henry and Hook are Robin's best man. 

The music starts playing and we enter one at a time. 

Lastly mom enters and she looks so pretty. 

As she finally got to Robin they began.

"Do you Robin of Lockley take Regina Mills to be your wife?" The priest asked. 

"I do" Robin said.

"Do you Regina Mills take Robin of Lockley to be your husband?" The priest asked.

"I do" Mom said.

"I priest you husband and wife you may kiss the bride" The priest said and mom and Robin kissed. 

Everything was perfect after. We danced and had fun. 

"Let's get a picture of you and Ray" Anna said.

"Ok" I said.

Ray and I stood next to each other and posed for the camera. 

"So your family is happy and so are you" Evan said as he handed me a glass of Champaign

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"So your family is happy and so are you" Evan said as he handed me a glass of Champaign. 

"Indeed.. But for how long? Hades will come back and kill someone else" I said.

"Forget about Hades" Evan said.

"Yeah maybe for tonight I will" I said and we cheers then drank the cup. 

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