Happy birthday to me

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Kayla's pov___________

I was sleeping peacefully until I felt someone jump on my bed and by someone I mean multiple people. 

"Ow!" I wined as I felt people plie up on me. 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Mom, Emma, Zelena, Snow, David, Robin, Hook, Henry, and grandma Cora all yelled. 

"Thank you everyone" I said as they got up off of me. 

"So to school then come home for presents" Mom said.

"Can't I skip?" I asked with puppy dog eyes. 

"Nice try" Mom said then left with the others. 

'That was a long shot' I thought. 

After I got changed I went downstairs. 

"Ok so I guess I can give you my present to you" Mom said and then held up a car keys. 

I gasp as my facer lit up "OMG OMG!" I hugged mom before taking the key and running outside with Henry.

I gasp as my facer lit up "OMG OMG!" I hugged mom before taking the key and running outside with Henry

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"Omg now way!" I yelled as I saw my new car. 

"Well now you got to drive you and Henry to school" Emma said.

"Let's go" I said and we got into the car and left. 

I parked at the school and watched people watch me.

'People wish they were me' I thought. 

"Nice ride" Annabella said coming up to me. 

"Thanks it's a birthday present from my mom" I said flexing my car. 

"Well here is mine" She said handing me a bag. 

I open it to see a new Gucci bag. 

"Omg it's stunning, thanks Annabella" I said and I gave her a hug. 

"No problem, I knew you would like it" She said.

The bell rings "I better get to class, see you at lunch" She waves bye and leaves. 

"There's something about that girl I don't trust" Henry said.

"Henry, your the author and you don't have anything on her, so maybe back off and be nice" I said.

"For now. I got to get going see you later" Henry leaves.

I get through two long classes and finally meet up with Anna at lunch.

"So Anna, how is your first day of school going?" I asked. 

"It's boring, but it's only April. I have a lot to catch up on" She wined. 

"Just use your magic, like me" I shrug my shoulders. 

"Pretty sneaky" Anna said. 

"It worked didn't it? Now only two months until we graduate and we are out of here" I said.

"Point taken" She said.

After the rest of the day needed I came home.

"Ok present time" Mom said.

Robin got me a bow and arrow "Thank you Robin" I said and he nods. 

I open the next one and Zelena gave me news clothes "Thank you auntie Zelena" I said and she smiles at me. 

I open the next one and it was from David and Snow. They got me news books and gift cards "Thank you David and Snow" I said and they smile at me. 

"Your welcome" Snow said all cheerfully and bubbly. 

I open grandma Cora's and it was magic ingredients "Thanks grandma" I said and hugged her.

"Your welcome dear" She said.

"Why would she need those?" Mom asked. 

"It's so that you can teach her news spells Regina" grandma said and Regina nods understanding. 

I open the next one and it was from Emma and Hook and they got me news shoes and makeup "Yess! Thanks I love it" I said happy. 

"I told you. A women's best friend is a good pair of shoes" Emma said.

"I thought it was makeup" Hook said confused. 

"That too" I said.

I open the next and it was from Henry. It was decoration for my car "Thanks Henry I love it" I said and hugged him. 

"No problem sis" Henry said.

"Isn't this touching" A man said and the whole family gets up looking at him. 

"Hades" Emma said.

'Hades?? Like god of the underworld' I thought. 

"Miss me?" He asked. 

"What do you want?" Mom asked as she stood in front of Henry and I. 

"Who should I kill first" Hades looks at the group before his eyes land on mom. 

"You" He said and left up this crystal.

"MOM!" Henry and I yelled as we tried to push her out of the way but she stood her ground in front of us from getting hit. 

"REGINA!" Everyone yelled. 

Robin jumped in front of Regina ready to take the hit but instead grandma Cora jumped in front of him and her lifeless body hit the ground. 

"MOM" Regina and auntie Zelena get on the ground in tears.

"How touching, mommy dreariest finally did something wright" Hades said.

"Hades you have to stop this" Zelena begged as she turned to him. 

"It has to be done Zelena" Hades said to her. 

"What had to be done?" I asked stepping in. 

"Until next time" Hades disappears. 

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