17 years later

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Kayla's pov_____________

"Wake up brats and get cleaning!" Ms. Harper yelled throwing cleaning stuff into our one big room. 

Hi I am Kayla. I have been at this old horrible orphanage sense I was a baby and I am 17 years old and so ready to leave this place. 

"Ms. Harper is angry this morning get cleaning everyone" Lizzy a girls said and we all know not to mess with Harper when she is angry or else we get beaten up and thrown into the basement for a week with no food or water. 

We all hurried and clean.

I had to clean the counters and do laundry and make the beds. 

 It took a good 1 hour until everything was spotless. 

"God I hate it when she is in a mood" My best friend Nia rolled her eyes. 

I sign "Yeah but what can we do?" I asked and she shrugged her shoulders. 

"We could kill her" She joked.

"Yeah and you get barriered 6 feet under" Molly another girls jumped in. 

"Not a bad idea" Avery another girl said. 

It's an all girl orphanage.. 

"Guys stop. She's coming" Lizzy said. 

We all hurried into a line and she walks in with her belt in her hands. 

"I see you all managed to keep the place clean. Good" Ms. Harper said with a cold expression. 

"But someone didn't clean the floor in the kitchen" She said and everyone gasp. 

"No-No we c-cleaned ev-verywhere" Emma said scared. 

"You all deserved to be punished" She said and started hitting everyone. 

"AH!" I yelled fall to the ground in pain. 

"STOP IT! STOP PLEASE!" Some girls yelled.

"YOU ALL NEED TO BE PUNISHED!" Ms. Harper yelled. 

After a few more minutes she left. 

I stood up but my back was killing me. 

Some of the older kids were helping the younger kids up and checking on them. 

"Olivia are you ok?" I asked this little girl who I have grown to care for as long as she is here. 

Sniff "I-I'm ok" The little girls tried not to cry but I saw tears running down her face and hugged her. 

She wrapped her tiny arms around me and cried and I let her get it all out. 

That night my back finally stopped hurting but it was going to leave a scar. 

"I hate her so much" Nia said as we sat down on our beds that were next to each other. 

"You still have your bag packed?" I asked. We made this packed that if we couldn't handle living with Harper anymore we would run away and she wouldn't even report us missing. 

She nods "Yeah. I'm so ready to leave" She said as we both reach under our beds and grab the bags. 

"Guys" Lizzy ran into the room "The cops are here. Apparently the neighbors heard us yelling and called them!" She said with relief in her voice and a smile appeared on my face. 

"They are arresting her and we will be taken to different orphanages" Lizzy said and everyone started cheering. 

But my smile fell when I realized something and I turned back to Nia "Were going to get split up" I said and her face dropped and her eyes widen. 

Nia stood up and faced everyone "Guys were going to get split up" She annoyed but no one seemed to care. 

We heard footsteps and in walks a cop "Ok girls let's go" The cop said. 

I grabbed on Nia and shook my head. We quickly grabbed our bags when I realized my neckless. The only thing I have left of my birth mom. I keep it hidden under my mattress because Ms. Harper would take it. I quickly grab it and then ran to Nia and headed to the window while everyone was leaving the room. 

We climbed out and climbed down the ladder and once we reached the floor "HEY GIRLS!" We looked up at the window we climbed out of and saw another cop. 

"RUN!" I yelled and we took off running not know where we are going. 

A day later____________

"Kayla we have been walking forever" Nia complained. 

"Look we just need to make it to the next town and we will be fine" I said reassuring her. 

"Whatever you saw. I am just glad we got out of there before we were split up" Nia said and I nod. 

Then I notice a sign that said 'welcome to storybrooke' 

"Hey" I tapped her shoulder and pointed at the sign "I think we reached a town" I said.

"Weird name, but let's keep walking" She said. 

The walk was quiet but we later reached a town but it was pitch black. 

"Well, It doesn't help that it is night time so no one will be out to guide us" Nia said.

Then all of a sudden I saw a car coming but way too fast. 

Also going to hit Nia. 

"NIA!" I yelled and pushed her out of the way just in time but I then blacked out. The last thing I heard was "KAYLA!" 

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