Strangers but friendly

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Kayla's pov_____________

I woke up and Nia helped me get changed. 

"Ok I am hungry" I said as we made our way downstairs. 

"Well it's a good thing your hungry we were just about to come and get you, were going to Granny's. Were also meeting up with Regina, Zelena, Belle, Gold, Gideon and Henry" Emma said.

"Who's Zelena, Belle? Gideon? and Gold?" I asked curiously. 

"Zelena is Regina's sister who is also bringing her daughter Robin who is only 4 months old" Emma said.

"Gold is Henry's grandfather and Belle is his wife and Gideon is there son who is 5 months old" Mary Margret said.

Mary Margret and Nia helped me down the stairs and we drove with Emma while David and Mary Margret took his truck. 

Once we arrived we got out and went inside and saw a big large table with people already sitting down. 

"Look who made it" Regina said with a smile. 

"Hey everyone! These two are Nia and Kayla. They will be staying with us until Kayla's leg gets better" Emma said as we all sat down. I took a seat with Nia on my right and Regina sat on my left. 

"This is Zelena and her daughter Robin" Regina said and Zelena the red head women next to her waved at us with her baby in her lap. 

"I'm Gold and this is my wife Belle and my son Gideon" An older man said and his wife was young looking with brown hair as she held a baby boy.

"So how are you liking town so far?" Belle asked. 

"We haven't seen much of it" Nia said.

"What would you like to see? Maybe I can show you around town" Henry suggested. 

"Actually why don't I do it? I am mayor after all" She said to everyone then turned to Nia and I "I could show you lots of cool places if your interested" She said.

"I would like to see the library. I like reading" Nia said.

"Yeah, Nia is a bit of a bookworm" I said nudging her in shoulders. 

"Well then I will take you. I run the library" Belle said.

"That would be great" Nia said.

"Then that leaves you Kayla, what do you say?" Regina asked. 

"I would love for you to show me around" I said.

"Well someone needs to help you walk, you can't on your own" Nia said with concern.

"I- If you don't mind, got you some crutches so you can walk" Mary Margret said.

"Oh, you didn't have to" I said feeling bad she spent money on me. 

She shakes her head "Honestly I am glad I got one because someone" She said pointing to her husband David "Is always clumsy" She said and everyone laughs. 

 "Hey!" David said offended. 

"What would you all like?" An older lady asked. We all took our orders and food came out so fast. 

"This is sooo good" I said stuffing my face with food like Nia. 

"It's like you all never had breakfast food before" Emma joked but Nia and mine face turned sad. 

"What's wrong?" Zelena asked confused. 

"Ms. Harper never let us eat until we finished cleaning but if we missed a spot we wouldn't eat at all" I explained and everyone either turned pal or red from anger. 

"That is not right! Who does she thing she is!" Regina yelled. 

"No one reported her?" Belle asked with sympathy.

"No we were all scared of her" Nia said.

"That is just wrong" David said.

It became quiet and I hate that so I started to feel awkward around everyone and Nia noticed so we started eating again. 

After we finished eating Mary Margret gave me the crutches and I stood up with them. 

"Sure your going to be ok on your own?" Nia asked. 

"I'll be fine" I said and she nods leaving with Belle. 

"Ok ready to go?" She asked and I nod and we made our way to her car. 

"She opens the passenger door and helps me get in. 

I sign "Sorry about my leg not working. Stupid car crash" I mutter the last part. 

"Sweetie it's ok. You only have to wear that thing for another week and you will be ok" Regina is pretty understanding. 

So instead of walking everywhere she drove me everywhere. 

"So this is Gold's paw show, pretty self expandatory" Regina said.

"This is the ice cream shop and that is Henry's school" She said pointing to buildings. 

After showing me more buildings we stopped in front of this big white house. 

"Whoa" I said mesmerized by the house. 

"You like? Welcome to my home" She gives a smile for a second before helping me out of the car. 

Once we got inside I noticed how big it was "Wow, you got a nice home" I said taking in my surroundings. 

"Thank you" She said putting her coat on the rack then turned to me "Want to put on a movie while I make hot chocolate?" She asked. 

"Are you sure that's no trouble?" I asked. 

"Not all at all. You can make it to the couch on your own right, it's just right around the corner?" She askes pointing to the room behind her. 

"Yeah, I should be fine on my own" I said and she nods leaving to the kitchen. 

I made my way to the couch and turned the tv on and picked Vampire Diaries to watch. After awhile Regina came back with two cups of hot chocolate. 

"I don't understand this show" Regina said confused. 

I laugh "Well the Mystic Falls gang have a new challenge because the Original Vampire family are in town for Elena Gilbert's blood because she is the last Petrova doppelganger but Damon and Stefan Salvatore won't let anything happen to her and so are her friends" I explain. 

Regina just looked more confused but before she could speak the front doors open and in walks Zelena with her daughter and Emma and Henry. 

"Regina we got a problem. Our crazy mother is in town and her mag-" Zelena stops talking when she sees me "Oh hi Kayla. I didn't know you were still here" She said with a smile but when she came inside she looked worried. 

"Hey Nia is looking for you" Emma said.

I looked at the clock and realized the time "Oh" I said then looked at Regina "I guess we were having too much fun to see the time. It's late" I said and Regina frowns. 

"You ready to go?" Emma asked. 

"Yeah" I then stood up and Regina helped me.

"See you tomorrow?" I asked and her face lit up "Yeah" She said and Henry and I left. 

Emma's pov____________

"So somehow Cora is alive again and back in town" I said once the kids were gone. 

"We still need to look at why those girls got into town" Zelena said.

"There's something oddly familiar with Kayla. I just don't know what it is" Regina said.

"Well she does look like you, maybe she is your daughter" I said joking with a laugh but the two sisters weren't laughing. 

"What?" I asked confused. 

"I once had a daughter, but she was taken from me. I don't know if she is still alive or not" Regina said.

'Oh' I thought. 

"Well I got to get going, it's been a long day" I said and left to go home. 

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