The warning

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3 months later____________

Regina's pov___________

Three months ago I would have told you Kayla was using magic too much. Now I would tell you she still does. It got worse over three months but she controlled her temper finally. She keeps magic to a slow around others like with family and at school.

People don't fear her anymore and she made some friends.

"Wake up Kayla you got school" I said shaking her sleeping body.

She groans "Let me sleep" She said.

"If you weren't up so late you would get up now" I said.

"Fine" She said getting up and going to her bathroom.

"She up?" Robin asked.

"Yeah now she is" I said.

Once Kayla ate she left for school.

Emma walks in shortly after "Hey we got a new threat" She said.

"Who?" I asked.

"It's an old friend of ours. Hades" Emma said right as Zelena walks in.

"W-What?" Zelena said shocked written all over her face.

"Zelena I'm sorry but Hades is back" Emma said.

"he will try to kill me for what I did to him" Zelena started to freak out.

"He won't be able to hurt you" I said reassuring her.

"I won't need to hurt her" A voice was said and we all whip our heads to see none other than Hades himself "Nice to see you all again" He said with a smirk.

"What do you want?" I asked stepping in front of Zelena shielding her and giving him my biggest death glare ever.

"I heard you have a powerful daughter. I could use something like her to my advantage" He said and that made my blood boil.

"YOU STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM HER!" I yelled and I blasted him across the room hitting the wall.

He got up patting the dust off of his shirt

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He got up patting the dust off of his shirt.

"I got to admit I was not going to tell you that every single villain that ever lived has heard the prophecy built around your daughter. You should be aware" Hades waved his hands at all of us and we fall unconscious and wake up to see the town shred to pieces.

"What happened?" I asked looking around. We all see Kayla kneeling on the ground in tears.

"I'M SORRY!" She yelled out in pain.

"You ready to die?" A women asked and I recognize her. 

"Wait a minute.. Is that... Lily?" Emma asked shocked as the rest of us. 

"NEVER!" Kayla yelled before throwing spells at the Lily but it just bounced off of her and right back at Kayla and it hit her and she fell to the ground in pain.

'Oh my baby' I thought to myself.

"You will be your downfall. You are destined to destroy yourself just like you did to your entire family and friends" The Lily told her.

"I WILL END YOU!" Kayla yelled as she threw more spells but like before, hit her and she feel to the ground once more in pain.

She got up once more and they both fired spells at each other and Kayla screamed as loud as she could.

She screams got louder under she drops dead on the floor

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She screams got louder under she drops dead on the floor.

"NOO!" I yelled as I ran to her but Emma and Rob stops me by putting their arms around me and pulling me back.

"Regina stop! It's not really her!" Emma said.

"Is this how she is suppose to die!" I yelled.

"She won't die" Emma said as she took a look at the scene "We now know what to prevent" She said as we woke up back in my house.

I look at Hades with anger "What did you do!" I tried to run at him but Robin held me back.

"I just showed you how she is suppose to die" Hades said.

"SHE WILL NOT DIE!" I yelled.

"She watches as every single one of you die before her eyes, it's true" Hades said.

"Who sent you?" Zelena asked.

"The one who will destroy her with her own spell.." Hades said then disappeared.

"Lily sent him?" Snow asked confused. 

"Hey" Kayla said as she walks in the house with Henry.

"Why are you both back so soon?" Emma asked.

"It's 3:30" Henry said with a confused look.

Both of them leave.

"We have been gone the whole day!" Zelena said pissed.

"We have to tell her" Emma said.

"No!" I yelled.

"She doesn't need to know she will die! I will not let her die! Not by Lily.. If I ever find that bitch.. I will kill her myself" I yelled at Emma.

"She needs to be warned. Hades said everyone she loves will die!" Emma yelled at me.

"Do you hear yourself. Hades will say anything to get us to fight so he could do something!" I said.

"Regina has a point, he could be doing this to trap us" Robin said.

"What if he's not?" Emma said.

"But what if he is?" I said.

"We need to call a family meeting" Emma said.

After 10 minutes the charming's. Killian, Gold, and Belle walked through the door.

"This better be good deair, we were in the middle of something" Gold said and Belle punches him lighting in the shoulders blushing.


"Anyways.." Emma said "Hades came here. He showed us that Kayla is somehow going to die, Lily kills her" Emma explained.

"How?" Belle asked.

"Well we don't really know what happened to be led up to that moment but something happens along the way" I said.

"Well then we protect this family" David said and everyone nods agreeing.

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