Chapter 26

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Sid was in kitchen making soup for his lady love with interest...
Whereas abhinavi came in canteen after their lecture but didn't find sid their so they asked the classmate of sid
Abhi: hey raj..
Raj: yes.. what happnd??
Abhi: have you seen sid? Where is he?
Raj: Abhi he didn't came in any lectures today..
Abhi: what?
Vaish: sid was here only na..
Abhi: where did he go?
Vaish: abhi you have phone so call him na😑
Abhi: oh yaa😅
Abhi called sid to ask where he was..
Abhi: sid where are you? Why didn't you attended the lecture..Haa.. say something
Sid: I will say jab aap bolne doge..😑
Abhi: say
Sid: woh... I came at avu's hostel😅
Abhi: why??
Sid: bro she is me friend so I thought to help... okay.. abb zyada may socho and attend your lecture..
Abhi: okay bye...
Sid: bye..
And abhi hanged up the call..
Vaish: where is he?
Abhi: at your room
Vaish: what??🧐
Abhi: yaa to take care of avu he went there
Vaish:😊 don't you think stupid has something for avu..
Abhi: I don't think ... am 100 percent sure he has..
Vaish: yess..
Abhi: but hope soo he says to avu.. not wait..
Vaish: yaa.. aakhir bhai tumhara hai😏
Abhi: what🤯 how can you say like that..
Vaish: how kya if they didn't made the plan na so you wouldn't have said anything samjhe..
Abhi:  acha baba.. sorry.. let's go abhi next lecture hai..
Vaish: yupp .. let's goo
With sidneet,
Sid made the soup and took it to avu..
Sid: avu wake up..chalo have the soup..
Avu: sid.. you..shouldn't..have ..done..this
Sid: I am your friend right.. toh have the soup ..
Sid made her sit and made her drink the soup with his hand..
Whole time Avu was seeing him With admiration..
Avu pov,
How can someone be so caring.. he came here just to take care of me.. Sid you are making it hard for me to not accept and fall for you...
Why are you soo caring???..
Avu pov end
Sid: back to earth... what happnd..
Avu: nothing... mujhe kya huwa...
Sid: you were zoned out Avu..
Avu: nahi... bas bhai.. ke bareme
Sid: ohh.. let me check your fever..
Sid checked her fever..
Sid: it is decreasing slowly you sleep now I will change the water and again come and put it in your head..
Avu: I am fine Sid..
Sid: kitni ho ..I know .. abhi chup chap baithoo..
Sid changed the water and again kept the handkerchief on her head..
Sid took great care of avu.. After some time avu's fever was gone..
And Vaish too came..
Vaish: sid you are here  now also ...
Sid: woh di.. Avu ki fever was high..soo I thought to be with her..
Vaish: how is she now🧐
Sid: now fever is not there..
Vaish: thank god😃
Sid: yaa.. I will take leave now.. bhai must be waiting..
Sid left.. Vaish went to check on Avu ..
Vaish checked her and changed and called abhi to inform him about avu..
Whereas with sidshek parents..
Sd: ya.. send her.. Sid is there he will take care..
Sm: who is going in Mumbai?
Sd: maya... rakesh's daughter.
Sm pov,
Ohh God, why that girl.. already Sid is pissed off with her .. and this man also want her to go there.. I hope Sid manages her..
Sm pov end
S: why she is going there?
Sd: to get to know Sid a little more.. and you don't say Sid about her.. she want to surprise him..
With that sd left..

New character
Maya: she loves siddharth's body.. not a good news.. she always clinges on sid .. she is only daughter.... so is spoilt..

What do you think about maya?😈😈
She is 😏😏 is the chpp..😊😊 hope you guyss loved it.. Will meet in next chpp..

Tab tak ke liye tata bye bye 👋👋

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