Chapter 65

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They reached Mumbai in sidshek House...
All entered in hall... sd was in his room... servant came with water... and asked them for tea...
Sm: avu ..Reem, vaish you all rest for now... After sometime the designer will come with outfits... as we don't have much time...

Trio left with aar... vaish showed Reem a room.. and avu went to her room.. which she was staying since last 3 years...

Avu pov,
I am going to be engaged.. tomorrow... sid and me..  this room ... it has witnessed everything between me and..sid...
Avu pov end...
Avu: I should call at company and inform the head..

Avu called at her office and said sorry about the extension of more leave...
And slept for sometime...

Sm came in her room.. jai , sid and abhi were doing the help for decoration... sd was somewhere guilty for his behaviour and realised that sid is happy with avu... he wanted to ask forgiveness..
Sm: listen...

Sd turned and saw sm..
Sd: you know you were right...
Sm: where...
Sd:  sid is happy with avneet... she is not money minded...infact it was me... avneet really loves him... I came in talk of maya..and insulted the child.. and now I am regretting it... I saw hate for me in my sid's eye... he ...
Sm: he is not hating you.. he can never do that... he is just angry... and avneet .. she is too innocent.. you know she still didn't blame you for insult... she took your side... I am happy knowing you realised your mistake...
Sd: I want to apologise to all of them.. I hurted them alot...
Sm: hm... before you do that.. I want to reveal a past to you...
Sd: whose...
Sm: our soni...
Sd: what.. you met her.. how is she.. where is she... say na...
Sm: she is no more in this world...
Sd: what...

Sd used to see Am as her small he didn't had any ... he used to love her alot...

Sm: yes..  avu and jai... are her children...
Sd: what... how do you know..

Sm said everything to sd... he was having tears .. while listening to her...

Sd: how..can he do that... how... he did this much with her..and she never raised her voice against him.... I will not leave him... he have to face...
Sm: but..for now... just apologise to our children...
Sd: jai..and avneet has suffered alot...and what I did... I said so many things to them....
Sm: avu don't know  the truth.. I only said ki soni was my childhood friend and not about her dad... jai don't want her to know...or else she will blame herself for everything... and stress about that... so it is just a secret between you me..jai and reem..his wife.. don't let anyone else know about it...
Sd: hmm... I will not but first I want apologise to all of them...
Sm: okk.. I will call

Sid , jai, vaish, Reem and abhi came there... avu didn't as she was asleep so nobody wake her up...

Vaish: mom what happnd?
Abhi: yes mom you called...
Sm: your dad wants to say something...

Everyone looked at sd...
Sd: I am sorry.. everyone..  I am really guilty of my behaviour... I did very wrong I just blindly believed maya... I was wrong... and I am really very sorry..about it... I am sorry jai... I just lashed out on avneet.. I shouldn't have done that...
Jai: uncle don't... please.. mom said maya was filling hatred towards avu in you...
Sd : but than too I shouldn't be dumb head and believe her..  just because she was my investor's daughter...
Jai: it's okk uncle... there is no need...

Everyone forgave sd as he just believed what maya said.. except one... that was sid...

Sd: sid.. won't you forgive your dad....
Sid: I.. can't forget what you said to my avu...
Sd: I know beta... and I am ashamed for it..  please just once forgive me... I will do anything...
Sid :  just once... I am doing it  ..  agli baar nhi karoga..😕😕
Sd: there will be no agli baar..
Sid smiled and hugged sd...
Sm: reem , vaish go and wake avu designer has came... you all have to select the dress also...
All left ..  sd stopped jai...
Sd: jai...
Jai: yes uncle... I am sorry my child..  I said alot about your mother that day..  I shouldn't have ... I didn't knew what my soni went through...
Jai:  ....
Sd: sm but don't see it as because of soni..I was apologising not at all... I was feeling guilty already.. and sm came and said me about soni...
Jai:  it's OK uncle...
Sd: no..not uncle.. call me dad..just like you call
Sd:hmm... now you should never feel.. you don't have any elder person.. you have me as your dad..and sm as your mom...okay... and about your father..he will have his punishment I will make sure of it...
Sd: you do not worry about..that.. I will take care of it...

Sd hugged jai... and they left for hall...

Here is the chpp for today. 😊😊 hope you guyss loved it. Pls like and comment..Will meet in next chpp

Tab tak ke liye tata bye bye 👋 👋

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