1. what if

473 52 20

13th october, saturday, 2018

dear diary,

I guess some things should be left unfinished. What if the ending is not as beautiful as we had hoped it would be? That would ruin the memories of the good times too. What if the sequel is not as good as the prequel?

Unfinished stories are beautiful because they have no closure, and the mind is free to wander in the lanes of "what ifs". There is an air of mystery about them, a cliffhang.

I think, when a friendship is nearing its end, when you are growing apart from the people you love, when you don't know what to say to them anymore, it's best to let them go sometimes. Things could turn awkward or sour between you, and nothing could be worse.

Some people think, "I can't let go. Phases happen. We should work this out, because if we don't, we'll spend the rest of our lives regretting it, and wondering what we could have been if we were still together."

But I don't wanna know. I prefer the uncertainty because it allows me to remember things as they were. Nice and happy memories.

And there is hope — hope that someday, we'll finish that story. Hope that we'll meet again. There is something to look forward to. There is something to live for. Who knows what will happen then?

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