Chapter One [Edited]

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[Portland, Oregon]

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[Portland, Oregon]

October 1, 1993

The rain poured down relentlessly, creating a rhythmic beat against the window beside me.

Despite my professor's impassioned lecture on philosophy, my attention was consumed by the Siphon being lectured by the Gemini leader outside.

I forgot to mention that I'm not in a regular school. I'm in the Gemini Covens homeschool. School.

It's confusing but Joshua, the coven leader, thought it would be a good idea to have all of the Gemini Coven members stay in the territory and study here.

He said It's safe and better to focus on magic.

It feels like he's getting us ready for a war or something. I blame his paranoia; he seems to think that everyone is after the Gemini Coven and that we must stay within the protective walls of the coven's territory.

What a weirdo. You'll never catch me saying that out loud.

I often come across as quiet, but it's not because I'm shy. I just prefer to keep to myself and don't feel like engaging in conversation with anyone. The people in my coven come across as arrogant and stuck-up, and it's difficult for me to make friends and open up about what I'm thinking.

As I grew up, I embodied the role of the model child that every parent yearns for. I took pride in being kind and responsible, always maintaining a composed demeanor even in the face of unkindness. Despite others showing unkindness towards me, I remained steadfast in my commitment to avoid trouble and adhere to the rules within the territory.

I'm still that way for the most part being twenty-one and all.

I prefer comfort over dressing to impress a guy who objectifies me. Trust me-... Gemini guys are the worst to date.

Anyways as I was saying, I dress for comfort and my style consist of mom jeans and T-shirts.

Now, let's revisit the Siphon I mentioned earlier. You know, the quiet one who sits at the back of the class, keeping to himself and sleeping through the lessons.

And how do I know this might you ask?

Well, I sorta watch him. I know that sounds creepy but- I always felt bad for the guy. No one likes him for two reasons.

One. His ability to siphon others is why no one comes near him.

Two. Jealousy. Young Geminis are jealous of him, but not because he's a siphon. No.

They're jealous because he will be able to merge with his twin sister Josette and possibly become the next Gemini Coven leader in a year or so.

Many in our class wish to be the coven leader and envy Malachai for it, or think he's unfit for the role because he's a siphon.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐂𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐧 | 𝐊𝐚𝐢 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now