Chapter Twenty Eight

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The wind carried me like a leaf lost in its path, not having control of its direction, and forced to do what nature has in store for it. That's how I felt at this moment because not having control over a situation really sucks and those 48 hours turned into 34 hours.

I went home the minute the trial was over. It was too much to deal with, and my anxiety told me to run for the hills. At least until I can collect my thoughts on this sticky situation, I am in, and I know what you are thinking: What is wrong with you? You should be in the Gemini coven, sinking everything in before you are no longer welcome.

Although I know this sad fact, I can't seem to bring myself to go there. How am I meant to say goodbye to a place filled with memories I'd made, knowing I can no longer make more. I exhale at the thought, rolling on the edge of my bed, and take hold of my pager. I ran my thumb against the screen, wondering if I should say something to any of my friends-to, Kai, but I chickened out.

Throwing the pager on the other side of my bed, I grabbed my pillow and snuggled against it with a pout gracing my lips. As if hoping it would make me feel better, and to my common knowledge, I knew well it would only make things worse.

Pulling the pillow away from me, the phone in the kitchen began to ring, and I stood up quickly. Stomping over to the phone before the last ring could hit, snatching it from the wall, and answering it with pants escaping my pink lips.


"Hey." Was all they said, and I grew quiet. Trying to make up who was on the other line, and once it clicked in my head, I rolled my eyes with a playful smile.

"Dean, what's up?" I muttered, pretending to be bothered by him, knowing well his call would ease the stress I was in. Dean chuckled at my tone of voice. "Geez, nice talking to you too...-" He joked, then continued. "I heard what happened." His voice serious and gentle to let me know he was on my side, which I didn't expect but appreciated, nonetheless.

Forgetting I had a half-brother that now seems to care about me is probably a flaw I need to work on. It's nice to have someone who will be there for you no matter what. Dean has proven himself worthy over the past month, and if I remember-he's apparently part of Team Gem.

According to Jo, that is.

And as much as I wanted to tease him, my heart felt heavy, and my smile faded into the frown I'd been carrying all day. Curse my fragile heart that seems to get in the way of everything.

Dean shuffles through the other head. "You, okay?" He breathed out, and it was like he grabbed a hammer and destroyed my defenses because the tears I held back came rushing out. The sobs that erupted from me caused silence to consume the other end of the call.

My poor brother was unable to muster a single word to me, and I understand this has to be as awkward for him as it was for me. Crying to the brother I hadn't known for long will always haunt me, but I needed this. I needed to cry.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐂𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐧 | 𝐊𝐚𝐢 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now