Chapter 13

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"Technically half brother," Namjoon explained. "My father isn't a man of commitment. He enjoys his bachelor's lifestyle, even after marrying my mother. Normally he's really careful, but one of his mistresses used a spell to make sure she would get pregnant. And my father was too proud to make her get an abortion, thus, I now have a brother."

"But he's a vet, he should be older."

"We're magical users" he emphasized, "we can be any age we want. I just chose to be in high school."

"That's an awful choice."

"Shut up," he muttered.

"And he talks to animals?"

Namjoon nodded. "It doesn't matter which world the animal is from, he can communicate with it. Even though it's not overly impressive magic like my own, he's not one to be trusted."

"I think it's cool.." you mumbled. Namjoon made a face that instantly made you straighten up. "But he's very nice to me and everyone else around him. I've never seen him hurt anything before."

"That's part of his act," Namjoon affirmed. "One second he's sucking up to you, the next he tells everyone in class you killed the class's hamster. Then they turn to look at you as if you're a monster." He lowered his head, shadows glazed over his eyes. He never wanted to be popular, that was all for Taehyung. But it wasn't enough for his little brother that Namjoon was quiet and kept to himself. Taehyung needed to make sure he would be the favored one in the family. When Namjoon finally left, he was satisfied. A cold veil cast over his body. You wanted to hug him.


He popped his head up and grabbed your arm. It left you defenseless. "I'm begging you," he exhaled softly, "Quit that job immediately."

Something about his gaze compelled you to agree with him. So you nodded and grabbed your phone as though you were in a trance to send your immediate departure from the vet. Though you would miss that place, the interaction earlier made it clear that things would be different now. Namjoon's body came to a calm halt. He hadn't seen his brother ever since he left home. He heard rumors that the boy came to this world sometime after Namjoon did and he felt his magical presence in town. Perhaps he was tasked with keeping tabs on Namjoon by their father. He never imagined he was so closed and he had gotten close to you.

Namjoon blinked, he was back in his apartment. He walked you home.


The bed creaked under your weight. You could barely catch a minute of sleep before your mind wandered off to various scenarios where you were dead in all of them. Not only you but Haneul, the boys, Namjoon. That was the worst one to see. Even though he was cocky, mean, and sometimes unbearable, he had his reasons to be cautious of you. If it had been the other way around, where you were tasked with protecting a potential criminal that was Namjoon, you wondered if you could do it.

You began drifting off again. You saw his face. He was shaking your body. You saw his mouth moving but couldn't hear anything. It took a few seconds to register that it was happening in real life. Namjoon was in your room and shaking you awake. "We have to go!" he whispered. "Now!"

"What's going on?" you asked, the world was slowly coming back to you. Outside in the hallway, you heard loud crashes.

"I'll explain later but we have to go now," he said breathlessly. As you scramble to your feet, the door busted open. A man dressed in white armor held a sword out in front of him. He had your father's face, at least the father you thought was your own. Namjoon squeezed your hand as he held up a card. The usual flash of light came from his palm and the man froze in place, his red glowing eyes shutting down like a machine. But then he moved again. Namjoon cursed aloud. He took out another card and a swarm of birds flew through the window and attacked the Knight. Outside in the hallway, you saw what you assumed to be a bear tackling the Knight wearing black armor. You were surprised the police hadn't shown up with all of the ruckuses, but outside, you saw a protective shield that Namjoon had put with. His magic was dwindling.

The White Knight broke free of the birds and lunged at Namjoon who didn't have enough time to block the blade. It cut his arm and the Knight kicked him in the chest. Namjoon hissed, taking a step back. The blade went up again, this time it was directed at you. Namjoon pulled your back, and swung a fist at the Knight's face. You swore you heard bones and teeth breaking. He continued the round of attack with various punches and roundhouse kicks. They knocked the wind out of the Knight, but since he wasn't human, he got right back up again. He reminded you of the dummy you practiced on. Invincible.

Namjoon stumbled backward, he was getting tired. He didn't have enough magic to conjure up any more illusions. Outside, he could feel Jungkook's power dwindling as well. The poor kid was putting up a fair fight since the Black Knight was close to a knockout. The White Knight regained his footing and swung the sword. Namjoon braced for impact.

The sword hit an invisible field and the Knight was flung backward. Namjoon opened his eyes and saw that you had stepped up in front of him and magic exuded from your extended hands. Your eyes glowed gold. The Knight tried getting back up but as you stood over him, the air escaped his body. He made an awful sound while trying to grasp for air. Namjoon watched as the colors on his face drained. Eventually, he stopped moving. At the same time, the Black Knight fell under Jungkook's tiger paws. Your eyes became normal again and your body grew heavier by the second. Namjoon caught you as you stumbled back but this time, you were still a little conscious. Jungkook came into the room and was astonished by the damage.

"Woah, what happened?" the young boy asked.

"She took his magic away," Namjoon answered, he was still in disbelief.

Jungkkook cocked an eyebrow, "Noona, remind me to never get on your bad side."

"I don't know how I did it," you whispered. You held your body tight. The guilt and horror began to sink in.

"We can talk about that later," Namjoon consoled. "But first, we need to get rid of their bodies and clean up the mess. My shield was able to keep the noise from reaching the humans. But once it's gone, the Queen will know her Knights are dead. We have to move quickly."

"Is she coming for me?" you asked.

Namjoon didn't answer. In the midst of silence, you laughed. Life will never be the same after this.

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