Chapter 32

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The Queen was back in her quarter. She enjoyed a cup of tea while supervising the servants as they continued to set up for the ceremony in the garden. Ever since she was little, she knew that this would be the place she marries the love of her life. Everything about it was made for it, made for her. The royal botanist even created a new flower just for her. Bright red and luscious, delicate and graceful. Like blood, like her. A knock came from the door and the attendant brought in her future husband. She was more than glad that he was back. She would never let him go again. "You came back quickly," she mused.

"She didn't really put up much of a fight," Namjoon answered.

She pushed herself off of the chair and approached him. Her eyes stared into his, they were glowing the way they were supposed to. "Did you really kill her?"

"Of course, my Queen." He raised up his left hand and the ring on his ring finger was gone.

She sighed out of relief. "Good riddance." When Namjoon told her about how one person must die for the ring to come off, she wanted to rip your head off right then. She was mostly pissed that he had given it to you instead of her. But it was an ugly little thing, not befitting a queen. For the wedding, she had her pawns mined the mountain for the rarest metal in all of the realms and had the best craftsman make her the most unique wedding rings in existence. That was over a year ago, but she knew this day would come when Namjoon would come back to her side. And he was certainly worth the wait. She has almost everything she wants. "Where's Taehyung?"

"He's harvesting her power to put it in the main device."

"Today truly is the best day of my life," she exclaimed. When she was born, her father told her she was meant to be loved. He told her bedtime stories about how the kingdom was created to love and adore her, generations after generations. She knew that he loved her most, even more than he loved her mother. And she knew that her mother was jealous of her in every way but she couldn't imagine that jealousy would lead to her father's death. Her mother claimed she had nothing to do with it since she didn't have magic afterall. Their marriage was nothing more than a peace treaty with Wisteria. But she never believed her mother. When she turned 15 and was eligible for the throne, she didn't hesitate to banish her mother for she was the one true ruler of Etherio. Her brother called her a monster but she felt pity for him so she let him stay in the palace.

True to her father's words, she was admired everywhere she went. Not a single man who crossed her didn't fall instantly in love with her. Whether it was for her beauty, charm, or title, it didn't matter to her. She liked being wanted. The eldest son of the Kim's family was no different than the other men she had met. But what made him stand out was that he wasn't fazed by her at first. He wasn't bewildered by her wealth or physical features. In fact, she was intimidated by someone for the first time in her life and it made her want him more. She would host more banquets and celebrations to draw him out. He was her favorite dance partner even though he stepped on her feet a lot. She was allured by the way he talks about the world and he made her feel normal in the best way possible. He told her about his family dynamics and how he wanted to not be afraid of his parents anymore and that was when she thought about the Extinguishing Project. It was already in progress when her father was on the throne but neglected when he died. Over her time ruling over Etherio, she learned that magic was a privilege that not everyone deserves. It was used to cheat, hurt, and betray. She would play god and bring peace to the worlds. That would be her purpose even after Namjoon rejected her hand in marriage. And with your death, the final piece has been placed.

"Tell me about your plan again," Namjoon said. "I still don't quite understand it."

She happily pulled him out to the terrace. Her quarter was hidden deep within the palace but far out into the horizon, the city was in sight. "It's simple really," she began. "Magic is a powerful thing and not everyone deserves it. So I'll take away their magic. It's my job to look out for my people, after all. And everyone else in the other realms."

"What does that mean?"

"My father had a big plan to unite the seven worlds. Etherio created them in the beginning, so we have every right to take them back. So I'll take away their magic and take back the realms that belong to our kingdom. I'll rule over them all."

"Isn't that wrong?"

She cocked her head. Even under her control, her future husband was still as resilient and righteous as always. "No, it's not. I'm simply continuing his legacy and ensuring that the seven worlds will thrive under one ruler."

Namjoon nodded, "What will happen to my friends?"

The Queen rolled her eyes, but turned to face him. She pulled on his collar, bringing him down to meet her gaze. "You don't need them anymore, Joonie. You just need me."

"Yes, my Queen," he repeated. "I just need you."

She was borned to be loved, that fact will always be true. "Good," she said, "now go get ready. I'll see you at the altar."

Namjoon kissed her hand and walked out the door. He didn't have the pawns following him like before. They didn't need to. They knew where his loyalty resided. 

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