Chapter 11

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As the weekend rolled around, Namjoon called you out for some unknown training. While you didn't know what that entailed, you knew that you didn't want to spend two days at home with the man and woman. It was hard enough getting through dinner without you saying the wrong thing or noticing something about them that made your skin crawl. But for the most part, you were able to get by with the fact that you're adopted by evil parents, that's all.

Namjoonn requested that you meet him at the school's soccer field and instructed that you wore clothes you wouldn't mind throwing away. It was vague enough to leave you guessing all night as to what you would be doing. Sure enough, you found him in the middle of the field. He put his hair back in a low ponytail and ditched the fake glasses. He wore a loose white t-shirt and workout shorts. Even from afar, you saw just about how muscular his thighs and arms were. The school uniform really did an excellent job of hiding his physique. He reminded you of a statue, the ones that belonged in a museum or somewhere for people to admire.

In front of him, you saw a few mannequins. It appeared that they were made of rubber and boxers would use them as sparring targets. Namjoon took out a card from his pocket, whispered something to it, and threw the card towards the mannequins. At first nothing happened. Then the ground around the rubber dummies shook and an explosion came from underneath them. The wind from the explosion brushed past you as if there was an invisible force encapsulating you.

"Woah," a voice came from behind. You turned around and saw the group of boys scurrying on the ground to hold their footing. It seemed like the wind knocked them down.

"How are you still standing Y/N?" Hoseok asked. Jungkook pulled him up and dusted the dirt off of his butt.

You looked down and saw that you held your hands out the second the wind got closer. "I think it was my magic?" you pondered aloud.

"You're one hell of a deflector then, Noona," Jungkook laughed. "They're so rare, I don't think anyone has seen one in the last hundred years."

The group proceeded down to the grass field, Namjoon was still blowing up mannequins that somehow multiplied since the last time you saw them. "Really?"

Seokjin eyebrows lowered, the shadows etched on his handsome face. "We better hope you're not a Deflector, for your sake and ours'."

You didn't get to ask what he meant by it before he walked down to join Namjoon, but the memories of the morning you woke up at Namjoon's place suddenly came to mind. You clearly remembered him talking about the Queen and her annihilation of people with deflector magic. When you thought about what an onslaught would look like, you imagined a foot stomping on a hill of ants. How easy and merciless. It shook you to the core. "Come on, Y/N," Hoseok ushered from behind. "There's nothing to worry about, we'll protect you."

"But you'll also need to learn how to protect yourself, Noona," Jungkook smirked. He grabbed a baseball he had hidden in the pocket of his hoodie. He eyed the mannequin and threw his hand up. The next second, the mannequin's head busted open. If it had been a real live person, pieces of its brain would be raining down. Your mouth dropped. You didn't even see the ball moving.

"Even without magic, Jungkook could easily be one of the deadliest people I've ever met," Hoseok chuckled, he sounded nervous. It seemed like he was speaking from experience.

"You seem to forget he was recruited into the Queen's army," Seokjin reminded. "He was even offered to be her main bodyguard but he turned it down."

Your mouth continued to hang open as you watched the young boy give you his famous bunny smile while decapitating another dummy. You were very glad he didn't join her army, otherwise, he might have been the one guarding you and nothing would save you from his wrath when the time comes.

"Okay, enough playing around," Namjoon scoffed. "Let's begin."

"What are we beginning exactly?" you asked.

Seokjin tucked his glasses safely to the side of the field. "Well since we don't know what your magic is and if you are indeed a Deflector, we wouldn't want you to use your magic. It might attract unwanted attention from dangerous people."

"Like the Queen?"

"Exactly," Namjoon nodded. "So you'll need to learn how to defend yourself using something other than magic. Even magic users and creatures alike have physical forms that can be hurt. You'll just have to know where to hit."

Namjoon positioned the dummy in front of you and marked the spot where you could take down a magic user. "So hit here as hard as you can," he instructed. You did as told by raising your leg to kick the soft spot on the neck. The dummy barely moved. Namjoon shook his head and walked up behind you. "Use your fist instead. You can get more momentum that way." A small gasp escaped your mouth as he grabbed your hand and guided you in the right movement. "Like this," he said. His breath traveled down your neck, making your stomach churn.

Eventually, as the training went on, the boys all took a break. Even Jungkook was pouring sweat. Namjoon watched while you continued to fight the dummy. With every punch, you moved the dummy a bit further, its face slowly caving in. Namjoon tilted his head, your fists were beginning to bruise. He called out to you but you didn't seem to hear him. With a sigh, he picked himself up and walked over. "Hey," he yelled, "that's enough for today."

"No, I want to keep going," you answered. This was the only thing you understood at the moment. Punch, punch, kick. This was the only thing you were good at and can do for yourself.

"You're going to hurt yourself," Namjoon grunted. "We can train more next week."

"Leave me alone," you huffed. You were out of breath and your arms were threatening to fall out. But you felt like if you stopped, it's just one second closer to your imminent death at the hands of the Queen.

Namjoon's eyebrows furrowed. There was something darker going on here. You didn't even seem to notice that your fists were bleeding. "Y/N," his voice lowered into the softest tone you've ever heard from him. But you were miles away. "Stop." He placed a hand on yours. A mistake, he learned right away.

Within seconds, a magical orb formed around you. The boys stood up and knew instantly they needed to dodge. Namjoon unfortunately didn't have that option. The light grew and he felt his breath being taken away from him. Then his body flew into the air, then came to a blazing crash on the other side of the field. When you looked down at your arm again, where he had touched, you saw smoke. It was the last thing you saw before you fell to the ground.  

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