Chapter 14

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"Etherio is in full red alert," Hoseok began. The boys gathered at the dining room table. It was a familiar scene, but this time you were the one on the couch, Namjoon right beside you as you tended to his wound. He gave a few huffs and hiss when you applied pressure to the healing scab. "The Queen declared a state of emergency just over an hour ago. Basically, everything is on lockdown. Her pawns are patrolling the streets and guarding every portal there is."

"That was around the time the Knights woke up and started attacking us," Jungkook recounted. The boy was also beaten and bruises covered his handsome face. Seokjin held an ice pack to his cheek. "With both of them dead, she must be freaking out right now." Despite Namjoon's attempt to cast their physical bodies into his cards, it can't hide the fact that their death would be noticeable. There's a loss of magic in the atmosphere and the Queen felt it in her heart.

Hoseok nodded, "From what I heard at the bar, it seemed that some sort of magical shock wave shook Etherio. It was the first time in a long time that the Queen looked fearful. There are hundreds of guards surrounding just her chamber. She hasn't left her room since."

"It must have been from Y/N's magical outburst during the training that day," Seokjin added. "But I wonder why she waited so long to attack." Nonetheless, he was grateful that the vision came in his sleep. During his late night slumber, he saw the Knights' attack coming and sent Namjoon over to get you. The other boy was reluctant at first but after a few milliseconds of questioning it over, he decided it would be more of a hassle to have you killed. Besides, he needed a little adventure. Showbiz is great and all, but being a hero wasn't a half bad title to add to his collection. Or criminal, whichever works.

"It doesn't matter," Namjoon chimed in. "The point is that she activated her Knights and she must have known a long time ago that Y/N is a Deflector. The bigger question is why she didn't kill her sooner. Why bother guarding her at all?"

"Maybe she still needed me for something," you pondered. "Like she could have used my power for something." Never in your life did you think you would utter those words. Things just get stranger by the second. It was your futile attempt to make yourself into the main character, but this wasn't what you had in mind. You were still shuddering by the fact that you aided in the death of your formal father. You stared down at your hands and imagined the kind of reckless and chilling power behind them.

Namjoon hummed. He was actually considering such an idea. "And when she learned that your power was more than she had expected, she decided to kill you instead."

"That's quite a speculation," Jungkook said.

"It's the only logical explanation we have for right now," Namjoon shrugged. "We are magical beings, after all, nothing ever makes a lot of sense. By this point, we can conclude that Y/N possesses strong magic, perhaps greater than all of us combined."

"I can't believe you admitted that," Hoseok chuckled. You saw a few stitches on his knuckles. He must have put up a fight to get through the portal to be here right now. Your heart ached, so many people have gotten hurt because of you.

"Are all Deflectors powerful?" you asked.

Seokjin adjusted his glasses. It was a habit he developed over the years of being a regular human, he couldn't stop himself. "Magic has levels. There are many others with clairvoyance magic, some can see more than others. Magic users are born with a certain level. They can't increase it no matter how hard they try. But it's different with Deflectors. Magic doesn't come to them at first but throughout their entire lives. As they grow, so does their magic. There's no limit to how powerful they can get, that's what makes them so dangerous."

"So what do you know about the history of Deflector?" you asked.

"Not much," Hoseok shook his head, "When the Queen's father took the throne almost 70 years ago, his first order was to imprison all Deflectors. Then the current Queen continued that mission. It was hard to track them down since their power sometimes doesn't come until much later, like in your case, Y/N. And then we never heard from them again. It's kind of a known fact that she killed any that she could get her hands on. In the world where magic is a weapon, those who can stop it are a threat."

"And you can take away magic," Namjoon said. "You're now the most feared magic user in all of the realms."

A knot grew in your stomach. You glanced around the room, trying to get a reading of the general mood. They all looked back at you as if everything was normal. Jungkook gave you his usual grin. You suddenly wished none of it was real. That magic wasn't real and you were simply a girl hanging out with her friends. "Are you scared of me?"

"No," Namjoon breathed out. "You could never hurt any of us."

"How are you so sure?"

"Because I'm smart," he shrugged. It was the first time his haughty attitude actually gave you confidence and ease. "But we should talk about the next step."

"Do you have any ideas?" Hoseok asked.

The Magician nodded, "We can't act like anything happened. Hoseok, go back to your bar. Jungkook, go back to Etherio and to your academy, you've been gone for too long. Seokjin will stay here in the apartment."

"What about you and Y/N?" the roommate questioned.

"I'm going to take her back to my home, in Etherio."

The boys' mouths hung open. "Why would you take her back there?" Seokjin huffed. "That's the last place she should be."

"And that's the last place the Queen would ever think about looking for her," Namjoon grunted. "She's going to be sending her pawns here to look for Y/N. I have a house on the outskirts of town. I could put up my protection illusion to keep the guards away. She can't stay here anymore."

"That's a big risk, hyung," the young boy said quietly.

Namjoon sighed and turned to face you. "Y/N, what do you want to do?"

Your lips parted, they were so dry you could feel the cracks and blood. "I don't want to cause you any more trouble," you mumbled. "You've saved my life so many times already, I can't risk your safety."

A laugh escaped his mouth. He took a deep breath and leaned his head back into the couch cushion. "It's a good thing I rejected her proposal. Or else fighting her now would be really awkward."

Your eyes widened, "You want to fight her?"

"She doesn't deserve the throne," he denounced. "She kills for sport and wastes money on useless and extravagant banquets to celebrate herself. People are dying while she's out mingling with diplomats who are just as guilty. I left Etherio because I didn't want to be under her control. But I can't run anymore. We need to put an end to her." Out of the corner of your eyes, you saw the boys nodding, their hands in fists.

"You're talking about treason," you added. "Is this worth it?"

"Yes," he nodded. "And with you, we can do it." 

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