Chapter 33

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Guests gathered orderly despite the late notice. They took their seats in the garden as flower petals fell down from the sky. It was certainly the wedding of the century, one for the book. Those who knew the Queen personally knew that she had dreamt of this day since she was a young girl. When she was younger, she would roam the corridors with her mother's ballgown and pretend she was a bride. They were anxious to see the look on her face when she walks down the aisle. Namjoon was also anxious as he waited by the altar, everything was already set in place. His palms were sweating, he couldn't believe it was happening but he doesn't regret a single thing. Today would be an amazing day for him as well. He would get to see the love of his life and be with her forever with no one to harm them.

The orchestra started, everyone sat up straighter. Namjoon cleared his throat and adjusted his tie. He was quite uncomfortable in the suit that the Queen had set up for him, he thought the gold sequence was a bit much. But nonetheless, he wouldn't let it ruin his day. At the end of the path, the bride entered with her white ball gown. Her train was the length of a field, it required 10 servants to carry it. She was indeed beautiful, she was born to be loved and be a queen. Her grin grew wider than the width of her face when she approached the altar and stood in front of Namjoon.

The royal minister began the usual ramble about what marriage meant. The Queen was obviously impatient and so was Namjoon. His heartbeat quickened when it was time to say the vows. She hadn't told him what to say yet, but he figured he could cook something up in an instant. He prayed he wouldn't have to, because he wouldn't mean any of the words. And as luck would have it, he saw his savior from the corner of his eyes. He wasn't the only one who noticed. The Queen's hands dropped from her beloved's grasp. All around, people started whispering. Her heartbeat quickened and she thought she might be dreaming. She glanced back at Namjoon but he flashed a crooked smile.


Namjoon's sword was in full motion to come down. You braced yourself for the eventual bloodshed. In the end, you couldn't do anything. It was a stupid dream to think you could save the world. You couldn't even save the boy you love from this hell. You would be collateral damage in kindling war. To your surprise, the sword was taking a long time to come down. The boys' screaming also came to a halt as the sword clattered to the ground. When you opened your eyes, you saw Taehyung carrying Namjoon's unconscious body. You let out a gasp.

"Don't worry," he said quietly. "I just tossed some fairy dust at him."

"Why did you do that?" you asked bitterly. "Aren't you with her? Aren't you part of this project?"

He laid Namjoon's body flat on the ground and you instantly bent down to his side. He was deep asleep, and you were just glad he was okay. "Yes, it's true that I was part of the plan. I told her about you the day you stepped into the portal. She promised me that the devices wouldn't hurt you and after she activates them, she would let me take you away."

"Take me away?"

Taehyung sighed. He swept his hair behind his ear. "You know all those times I caught you looking at me at the clinic? Well, it's because I wanted to look at you in the first place. I've liked you for a long time. But when I found out that Namjoon had taken notice of you, I realized I was never going to have a chance. I hated him ever since our father brought me home. He had the family's love while the illegitimate son got nothing. I thought that when the Queen takes away his power, I could finally win and have you in the process. I swear, I didn't know that she would kill you all."

"That doesn't make up for your intentions in the first place," you reminded. "But thank you for saving my life just now."

He nodded, "We don't have a lot of time. Once he wakes up, he will want to kill you again because that was his order. We need to get the Prince here so he can take over the Queen's magic." He walked over to the control panel near the door. With a few push of a button, the chains that bound the boys dropped to the ground. Hoseok wasted no time to stand up. He planted his feet firmly and held out his hands. The ground shook and one by one, the pillars lined up by the edge. Namjoon was beginning to wake up. Yoongi positioned himself on top of Namjoon and their eyes met, a glow emerged.

The magician pushed Yoongi aside and stood up. He scanned the perimeter and found you. His feet moved. No one could get to you fast enough to save you from the impact. It knocked the air out of you in the best way possible. He pressed his head deep into your neck and his arms tightly around you. The tears from his eyes soaked your skin. "I'm so sorry," he whimpered. "I'm so, so, so sorry. I would die if anything happened to you, Y/N. I love you, I love you, I love you." He looked up and captured your lips.

"I love you too," you smiled, returning his kiss. "I'm just glad you're okay."

"Alright, now that he's not under her control anymore, we should leave this place," Jungkook suggested.

"If we do, she'lll keep coming after us," Seokjin said. "I've seen every version of this plan and it all ends the same. We come back to this dungeon and rot."

"So what do we do?" Jimin asked.

"We stick to the original plan and destroy the main machine," you answered. "That's the only thing we can do."

Namjoonn shook his head, "I am not risking your life like that ever again."

"But we have the real upper hand now. She doesn't know you're not in her control anymore. Go back to her and proceed as before. That'll buy us enough time to find the main machine and take it apart."

Yoongi contemplated, "What if she takes him under control again?"

"I can shield him." You held your hands up and closed your eyes. At first nothing happened, but then Namjoon's body glowed and quickly faded. "Try,"

Jimin took a step forward and focused his eyes on the magician. His face lit up. "I can't read anything."

Namjoon let out an astonished scoff, "Does your magic have any limits?"

"Hopefully, I'll get to find out," you laughed.

The plan was set off in motion. Namjoon would go back to the Queen with your shield and create illusions to not make her suspicious, like his eyes glowing and hiding his ring. He gave you a longer kiss then turned his attention to his brother. "If you betray her, I will kill you." Taehyung rolled his eyes and dismissed the older one. He still hated Namjoon by all measures of the word, but he was glad the Queen gave him the fairy dust earlier. It was meant to subdue you once you were in his grasp. But since she had planned on killing you, it would be a waste not to use it.


Plot twist, this is a Twilight stan account

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