Chapter 8

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What he meant was standing in front of you. At first, you thought you were looking at a mirror. The person standing in front of you was an exact replica of yourself. She wore the same clothes, hair, confused expression. You waved your hand, so did she. You opened your mouth to speak, so did she. "Is this one of your illusions?" you turned to ask Namjoon. He shook his head with a snide grin.

The girl in front of you laughed. She had your voice which made it all the eerier. She snapped her finger and her body was glowing. A layer began to peel away. None of the other boys seemed as amazed by this as you are. The next second, standing in her place was a young boy with a bowl cut, somehow he made it look cute. When he smiled, it was contagious. "I'm Jungkook," he held out a hand for you to shake. You took it hesitantly. "I'm a shapeshifter. Hyung called me last night and had me pretend to be you in front of your parents."

No wonder your phone didn't blow up with their messages. "I'm Y/N, thank you-"

"But speaking of your parents," he continued. "They're not really your parents."

Your mouth became dry. The rest of the boys stood up a bit taller as well. You tilted your head, "What?"

The boy jumped onto the couch, it shook Hoseok who was sitting next to him. Seokjin made a face when the boy stepped on the cushion while still wearing his shoes. Jungkook grabbed a handful of grapes and popped them into his mouth. "When I was there, I felt a really weird source of power. When they fell asleep, I did a bit more digging. Have you ever seen them at night?"

Come to think of it, once it was dark outside, they would shut the curtains and seek refuge in their room. "No, they stay inside their room until morning comes."

Jungkook nodded his head, it supported his theory. "That's because their magic can't sustain them all night long."

"Magic? You mean they're from Etherio too?" You scoffed out of shock, it was certainly the wildest thing you have heard all morning. Your parents being magical creatures sounded like a joke.

"They're knights. Like ones from the chessboard," Jungkook answered with a straight face and cheeks full of grapes. In the millisecond that you blinked, he turned into a puppy and devoured the plate of grapes. Something told you that he gets distracted easily.

"But the Knights belong to the Queen's army," Seokjin pondered. "Why would they be in this world with her?"

Jungkook turned back to his human form. "I'm not sure, I couldn't find any other information at the house."

"Can someone explain what's going on?" you begged. It was only 7 in the morning and you already felt like you had been hit by a truck. "Where are my real parents then? Who am I?"

"Well it seems like we don't know much either," Hosesok shrugged.

"Etherio is essentially a kingdom," Namjoon explained. "We're ruled by a Queen who has her own private army of chess pieces. The Knights are her most formidable and trusted soldiers. She only ever sends them to dangerous or important missions. Basically, it makes no sense for them to pretend to be your parents. Unless... "

"Unless what?"

"Unless you're the enemy of the Queen."

"How could I possibly be her enemy? I've never even met her."

"Hyung," Jungkok called out. All of their heads turned towards him and he realized he always forgets to be specific about who. "Namjoon hyung," he corrected, "you used to be involved with her, did she ever mention anything about an enemy?"

Namjoon choked on the coffee he was drinking. His complicated and long romantic history was something he never wanted to discuss, especially in front of new people. Especially in front of another girl. "You used to date the Queen?" you asked. It certainly was a question you never thought you would ask him.

"We used to court," he corrected. "My parents thought it would be good for our family's name if I were to marry her. And she was also interested in me, I am a handsome bachelor."

You made a face and he rolled his eyes. "So what happened?" you asked.

"We had dinner together a few times, walked through her garden a dozen times, did other things... but she never talked about an enemy. She spent most of our time talking about herself and I got bored. If I wanted to hear someone brag about how pretty they are, I would go home to Seokjin."

"I did not see that coming," the other boy confessed. It didn't stop him from throwing a towel in Namjoon's direction, who held up a card and the towel disappeared into the portal. "That was my nicest towel."

"It's your fault," Namjoon called out. "But anyway, I broke off our engagement and have been ignoring her ever since."

"So what you're saying is she should hate you more than anyone else," you deduced.

"I guess you could say that," he shrugged. "So whatever you did must be worse than breaking her heart."

"Is she going to come after me now?"

Namjoon shook his head, "No, not unless you do something drastic to change the balance of things."

"I don't know about that," Hoseok added. "When she entered Etherio yesterday, it was hard to miss. Everyone at the bar felt a disturbance. I'm sure the Queen wouldn't have missed it either."

"What should I do now?" you asked. Your hands clasped together until they went purple. You didn't notice until Namjoon forced them apart.

"You're gonna laid low," Namjoon said blankly. "Go back to doing what you did before. Go to school, go to work, go home. Pretend that nothing changed."

"How am I supposed to go back to that house and pretend everything is okay when I know those people aren't my real parents? In one day, my life has turned upside down."

"How about this?" Namjoon sighed, "If you don't do it, you will die." That made you shut up right away. "If you don't do it, the Queen might send more of her army to this world and who knows what will happen. You might drag your friends and people you care about into this mess as well. Do it for them."

"And you won't have to be by yourself in the house, noona," Jungjook offered, "I can stay with you at night to make sure they don't do anything." Namjoon gave the boy a sharp look and Seokjin slapped his head. "I mean, I'll be like a fly or something. Jeez, you pervert."

"That's a good idea," Hoseok nodded, "We should take turns keeping an eye on her."

"Why would we do that?" Namjoon asked. "She's not our problem." It was extra hurtful the way he looked over at you as if you were just a mere classmate or a troublesome girl.

"You made her our problem when you brought her back here," Seokjin pointed out. "I can feel her power even more now. Something about Etherio must have triggered it. She'll be a target for the Reapers or something worse."

Namjoon threw his head back out of annoyance. "Ugh, fine. Let's just go to school." He turned to you and pointed. "But we are still strangers and you need to keep your distance." He didn't wait for an answer before slamming the door shut.

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