A Normal Day

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I'm walking along the sides of the stone roads, observing all the people and things around me. You'd think after growing up here I'd be used to everything, but, that's not the case. I'm always finding out new things. Whether it be from reading the new releases in the library or finding stuff in the nearby woods. Or being attacked by stuff in the nearby woods.

I find an open bench, pull my notebook out of my bag, and start writing. Writing everything I'd done that day, and occasionally drawing pictures. I'm pretty good at art and I have a knack for drawing things from memory.

I flip to a new page.

Today was so fun! Except for school obviously. I hate doing the same thing every day but I picked what might just be the most boring track so what can you expect? Not that stuff from potions class doesn't come in handy, because it does. I can create smoke covers when demons are chasing me or just creating a distraction to get away from bullies quickly. Or mom. It's not that I'm non-confrontational, I'm pretty good at winning arguments. I just know my strengths. And physical strength is not one of them. Anyways, I found this demon called a "Snaggle back" today. It was very shy. And kinda a wimp. But who am I to judge? Finding new demons is always exciting. Oh! And a new person joined the friend group! We were a bit hesitant at letting someone new in, but someone from the Abomination track was the last one we needed! Now, with all of us, we can teach each other any form of magic we want to learn! I'm still nervous that someone is going to find out and rat us out but, with our hideout, no one will find us. Other than that, not much else happened. Anyways, if I take too much longer mom will get suspicious, and I don't want to deal with that. See you soon!

I re-pack my things and continue the walk home, going back to taking in the sights. As I look towards the horizon, I notice the time on the clock tower hit 5:53.


My leisurely walk turns into a sprint as I rush to get home. I am so going to be late.

I turn the sharp corners with ease and glide like a snake through the people. Soon, I'm on our street. I go straight through the lawn, and onto the porch. It's just then that I realize I could have flown home. Or even tried that new teleportation thing I learned.

I pause, catch my breath, and quietly open the door. Maybe I can slip upstairs without mom noticing.

But, no such luck.

"Luz? Honey? Is that you?" Mom calls from the kitchen

"Si, mamá." I sigh.

"Come in here."


I walk into the kitchen, where mom is cutting up veggies for dinner.

"So, how was your-"

"Luz." She interrupts, using her serious voice. I quickly shut up.

"You keep coming home later and later. I know you aren't getting detention because your teachers would have called me. And you look fairly chipper so you didn't get into a fight. However, your jeans are ripped, there's mud on your hoodie, and...is that a bruise on your face?! Mi hija, what happened?"

I felt like I left something out of today's journal entry.

"I...I was walking home and got attacked....by a rat worm! And it-"

"Were you attacked or did you go exploring?"

She's got me.

"Exploring," I say quietly.

"Luz, I thought you quit exploring weeks ago! We agreed you'd stop. And...wait. What's that notebook? It doesn't look like your school books."

And I forgot to fully zip my backpack. Just my luck with how today's going.

"I-it's nothing. Just a sketchbook!" I say hastily, but she's already reaching for my bag.

"Seriously! Don't worry about it!" I say, voice shaking, as I jerk away from her hand.

"Luz Noceda. Give me the book."

And once again, serious voice. I'm doomed.

I hand her the journal and she starts reading it, looking progressively concerned as she does. And I can tell by tracking her eyes she is very disturbed at the dates in the corners.

"Luz. You never stopped going on your little adventures. You've been hiding things from me!" She finally says, solemnly.

She closes the journal and hands it back to me. I lightly take it back and tuck it back into my backpack.

"I..." she sighs, "You're doing great in school, there's no doubt about it, even though you complain a lot in the notebook. And, I can't fault you for secretly learning different types of magic with your friends. If I wasn't so shy in school, I would have probably done the same. Who knows, maybe you'll make it into the Emperor's Coven some day."

She says the last sentence with a glum but happy tone. I've thought about it, sure, but Emperor's Coven members still have those sticker things, meaning that something has to be getting locked away, right?

"But," she continues, "You have to stop going on your little escapades. You could get hurt! Or worse."

I know what she means. Dad was a demon hunter and loved going on adventures. Until...he disappeared.

"So. You're grounded."

"WHAT!" I yell, broken out of my serious state, "You can't do that! I...I'd sooner go the conformatorium!"

"Luz Noceda. Don't say that. I am your mother. You will come straight home from school every day. And you'll fly home instead of walking. I know it only takes a few minutes so if you don't get home fast enough, I will start looking for you."

"This is outrageous! This is oppressive! Mom. You can't be serious, right?"

"Don't you yell at me."

"I can do what I want Camila. I refuse to be grounded." I respond arrogantly


I'm taken aback for a moment. But, that moment quickly passes and I turn around and storm upstairs, slamming the door to my room behind me. I hurl my backpack into the corner and flop face-first onto my bed. The second my face hits the pillow, tears start flowing.

She's never been this mad at me before. She can't be serious, right? She can't stop me from exploring! Boiling rain, monstrous demons, and anything else this place throws at me can't stop me so why should she?

I pull myself up, grab my bag, and begin packing. I take out all my school stuff and replace it with clothes, a small sleeping bag, snacks, a few books, and my scroll, along with a few extra pens and some drawing stuff. I pull up my hood and grab my staff. As I go to open the window, I pause.

Should I really do this? What if I lose my scroll and she thinks I'm missing? Or worse?

I turn around, grab a random sketch laying on the ground, and start writing on the blank side.

Mom, I'm leaving. Not forever. I'm not running away for good. I'll be back soon. I have plenty of supplies. If I can't go on any more trips, I'm going to have one last great one. I don't know how long it will take but once it's over, I'll come home. I'll be done.

Love you,


I set the page on my bed then go back to the window. I open it and jump.

A/N: Hope you guys liked the first chapter of my book! This story will be a mix of my ideas, the beta show plans, and, obviously, parallels to the show. I've been planning this for a while and am so glad to finally be working on it. I hope you'll enjoy this as much as I enjoy writing it.

Also, if you didn't know, I have another fic called "The Lost Witch". It's a siblings AU with Luz and Hunter. I update that every Saturday and I'll update this every Wednesday, so you'll always have plenty of content. If you're coming from that fic, thank you and I'm glad you're here.

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