Confirming Conspiracy

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"Welcome back everyone to 'Witch Week' of the Cospiracy Examination Society! Now, has anyone found anything that could be from this mysterious realm?"

Gus looks around the mostly empty classroom, all the other club members just watching in silence. One of the members raises their hand.

"Ah! Mattholemule! Our newest member. You have something?"

"Yes, Augustas, I do. In fact, something way better than anything this club has ever shown. Back at my old school, we had real treausures. Not just pin boards and half-baked theories."

He empties his bag onto the table. Out falls an old wooden toy snake labled "witch pet", a shoes made of mud, sticks, and leaves lables "witch footwear", and a torn up, curled peice of paper labled "witch phone".

The three other members of the class lean in and gasp.

"So real."


"I wanna touch them."

"Go ahead," Mattholemule confidently says, "In my club we have no dumb rules saying anything about what we can do with found treausures."

"He didn't mean that." Gus gasps, holding his page of rules.

He glares at everyone and grabs the objects.


"What the heck?"

"Well this isn't your club, thankfully." Gus says, frusterated.

"Exactly, who thinks I should be president instead?"

"I do!"

"Mattholemule for prez!"

"I'm an undecided voter. I want to touch all the objects first."

All the members begin to talk over each other, filling Gus with panic.

"T-these are fakes!" Gus yells.

"You can't prove that!" Mattholemule retorts, offended, "You're just trying to distract these witch appreciators. You're afraid of getting kicked out of office. It's your word against mine."

"I don't know what to belive anymore."

"My faith in Gus has been broken."

Increasingly anxious, Gus backs up to the chalkboard. He glances down at his phone and sees the screenshot of the official banning statement for Luz he has saved.

"What if I brought in an expert?" Gus asks, talking over everyone.

"Yeah right. Who's a bigger witch expert than any of us?" Mattholemule scoffs.

"How about a real witch?"

"Why the secrets?"

"Show don't tell man!"

"Yeah, uh-huh. And you've never brought your friend here why?" Matt questions.

"Well, she's busy. She has to practice magic and stuff. But I'll bring her in tomorrow! She'll prove I'm right."

"Yeah. Sure you will Augustas. Sure you will."


"Look Gus, I'd love to go with school with you, but I don't know if I can," I say, pointing over to the printed version of my banning article Eda hung up, "Principal Bump banned me from Westside."

"But nothing." Eda sternly says, "Bump did you a favor. There ain't nothing for you at that dweebus factory. No offense dweebus."

"It's okay." Gus shrugs, "I come from a long line of dweebuses."

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