Mostly Safe Trials

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"Wait, Gus is going to do the trials?" I gasp in disbelief, "'s my staff!"

"You are a witch." Dr. BQ growls, "It would be impossible to create something that would be a true challenge. And, you said it yourself. It is his fault your palisman is injured."

I nervously look back at Gus as he walks forward.

"Be careful. This whole situation is weird. I don't like it." I quickly whisper as he walks past me.

Gus nods and goes up to BQ while I join Willow. As I'm standing there, a massive nest of spiders suddenly falls on me. Before I can swat them off, they tie up my hands with a thick layer of webbing before crawling down and hiding again.

"Just to make sure there are no helpsies." BQ explains before turning her attention to Gus, "Now, let the trials begin. To start, milk my cow."

After she says this, a regular looking cow walks out. Gus looks a bit confused at the simplictiy and is hesitant but I see him look over at Nyx then seem filled with determination.

He really is sorry, huh?

Gus takes a bucket BQ had set out and goes to milk the cow, but just as he gets close to it, the cow moves away unnaturally fast. He tries again but, once again, just as he gets close it moves. He keeps trying over and over getting more and more frusterated each time.

But he still isn't giving up.

After a few more tries, he decides to try another strategy. He goes over to the side and grabs a wad of webbing. He sneaks behind the cow and, when he's sure it's safe, he jumps onto the cow from behind. The cow expectedly starts trying to get him off but Gus stays on. He covers its eyes with the webbing he grabbed. He then gets off and manages to shove the cow over in its panic. Now that it's blind and temporarily imobile, Gus grabs the backet again and manages to milk the cow.

Gus goes over to BQ and gives her the bucket. When she takes it, one of the pillars of fire dims and goes out.

"Next trial! Remove the nest of wasps."

BQ points over to the side to a nest that was practically vibrating with, what I assume are, wasps. Gus stood there are looked for a few moments before he appeared to get an idea. He walked over to Willow and I and reached into the bag Willow brought and pulled out a watter bottle with a sprayer.

Gus then walks over to the pillars of fire and sets it near it. After a few minutes he carefully carries the bottle over to the nest, using his flags like gloves, then sprays the boiling water onto the nest as fast as possible making both the nest and wasps shrivel up and die.

Gus stands up triumphantly and looks back at BQ. Another one of pillars of fire dies out. BQ scowls at Gus.

"Give babies a bath!" She yells.

Gus looks confused at who the babies are when BQ's three bats fly out at Gus. Gus screams and falls backwards as they basically attack his face.

"Gus!" Willow yells in concern.

"Dude, we're here if you need us." I assure him, struggling with the webbing on my hands.

"No," Gus firmly refuses, "I was stupid. I hurt Nyx. I need to do this. Not just to prove myself to BQ and Nyx, but you too. You're a powerful witch and the only thing I've done for you ever since you came here is convince you to use your magic for my selfish reasons. I deserve your anger. All I can do now is try to convince you to forgive me."

"Gus..." I say sadly, feeling bad for him and taking a step towards him.

He turns away from me and goes back to his trial.

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