In The Woods

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Nyx hops off the staff and flies around Gus and Willow examining them. She goes back to my shoulder.

"These humans are interesting!" She chirps

I smile and give her some chin scritches.

"This is Nyx, she is my Palisman. I made her and we're bonded for life. That also means I can understand all her chirps, so don't look at me weird if I talk to her because we are actually having a conversation. Anyways, with her we can just fly to the game! Just need a simple invisibility illusion and we're all good. It's how I travel around here most of the time."

Willow is stunned and Gus is beaming with joy.

"She is so cute! Can I hold her?" Gus squeals.

"Uh, sure." I hesitantly say.

He takes her and starts to squeeze slightly, I assume just from excitement, making Nyx chirp in distress.

"Yeah, that's enough." I quickly force Gus' hands apart freeing Nyx to fly back to my shoulder, "Look, for all intents and purposes, treat her like a real bird, okay? Just because she's magic wood doesn't mean she can't feel pain."

Gus looks very apologetic and Willow seems to be deep in thought.

"Now, how about we get going?" I ask Nyx.

She happily chips and screws herself back onto my staff. I lay it out in the air and Nyx slowly flaps her wings, making it hover. I sit down and gesture for Willow and Gus to take a seat.

"All aboard Air Palisman. Please keep both hands secured at all times and do not lean, or we might crash. I've never flown with more than one other person before, so I need to be careful."

The two look even more hesitant than they did before.

"Don't worry. I played flyer derby with my friends. We aren't going to crash unless you make us crash."

Still nervous, but less so, they get onboard, Gus behind me and Willow behind her.

"Alright, next stop, Landus High!"

We soar up into the sky, doing loop-de-loops and flying high. I look behind me and see Gus and Willow's terrified faces making me chuckle slightly.

"You guys got a fear of heights?" I laugh, "As I said, as long as you hold on and don't make me crash, we'll be fine. I'll cool it with the tricks now. I was just super excited."

I can see them start to de-tense and Gus even smiles. We start flying along and Gus and Willow look out at the sprawling landscape. After a few minutes of flying I see them looking much more comfortable.

"I have and idea. We've got just a bit of straight flying of you want to steer?"

Willow looks shocked by the question but Gus seems extatic. I carefully stand up and levitate Gus up just above the staff. I move him forward and step behind him so I'm now in the middle and Gus is in front.

"You good dude?" I ask him.

"This is insane!" He cheers, making the staff wobble.

"Woah there bud, keep your eyes forward. Just stay focused and don't try any-"

Suddenly Gus makes the staff nose-dive straight down and into the trees below. All three of us scream us we hurdle towards the ground. I quickly teleport myself just above the ground. Gus and Willow, thankfully, have their falls broken by a bush.

"Nyx? Nyx where are you?" I call in a panic.

I see Nyx laying by a tree with a massive crack in her head. She chips sadly and unscrews herself before flying away.

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