It Actually Exists

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The first thing I notice is my head hurts. I guess that's what you can expect from falling over onto concrete flooring. I open my eyes to look at my surroundings. It's...a normal living room. Just that. I'm on a couch in a living room. I go to stand up but am yanked back down. I'm handcuffed to the couch.

Just great.

Whatever. I summon up a small flame and start burning through it. It smells horrible but I have to get out of here. After a bit, I have it super loose. Just a little bit more and-

"Straight hair, straight A's, straight forward..." Someone sings from around the corner, walking in this direction from the sound of the footsteps.

It has to be the woman who knocked me out. I lay back down on the couch and close my eyes. The metal should be loose enough that I can break it with a hard enough tug. Just have to wait for the right moment.

Listen carefully. The footsteps draw closer. Then they stop a few feet away.

The woman sighs.

"Still not up? Wow. And the taser wasn't even on that high of a setting. King. Go get her."

I hear small steps rush towards me. Does this woman have a tamed demon? The second I hear it leap, I break the chain, get up, and grab it before it can get me. I look into its eyes and's just a tiny furball.

"How the hell did you get through the handcuffs?" The woman asks, a mix of anger and curiosity in her voice.

Finally being able to get a clear look at her, it's just a regular woman. She's wearing a simple outfit, barefoot, and of messy orange hair. Not at all what I was expecting. She walks up to the couch and examines the broken handcuff chain while I'm just holding this strange creature as far away from me as possible.

"Excuse me, mam' , could you please tell your creature that I am not a threat. It's baring its teeth at me."

"He has a name, it's not a 'creature', and he's just smiling. He doesn't meet many new people." She replies, not looking up from her examination.

"If it's not a creature what is it?" I retort, trying to keep the concern out of my voice. Things that are this cute are never safe.

"Canis lupis familiaris, aka, dog. His name is King. Do you not have dogs where you come from?" She answers, finally looking up.

"What do you mean 'Where I come fro-"

When I look at her face, it seems normal. Except her ears.


"Oh my god..." I whisper, dropping the dog.

It lands safely on the couch but that's the least of my concern.

"Am I in..."

"The human realm? Yep! And you are from the demon realm. Eda Clawthore, nice to meet you."

She reaches out her hand for me to shake but I'm too amazed. I sit back down to try and process all of this. Eda sits on the floor in front of me.

"I'm as surprised as you are. I can't believe my portal finally worked! And a good thing too. That place was starting to get real expensive to rent. But now, I'll finally be able to pay for it! Thanks to me and my genius."

"I'm actually in the human realm. I can't believe this place actually exists."

"I could say the same thing to you."

I sit for a minute, thinking. Then, I realize something.

"You created a portal to the demon realm. So you knew it existed." I state, looking at her.

"Eh, I didn't know for sure. Was just studying things and I realized stuff didn't line up. So, what logical solution is there besides from unexplained phenomena actually being things from another realm somehow getting through?"

She says it so casually and not like that logic barely makes sense. There's a beat of silence before she continues.

"So, I decided to dedicate most of my time and money to create a portal to this other realm. After I got it built, I just made adjustments every so often to see what would work. Lots of trial and error. And, last night I was doing some recalibration and forgot to turn it off. Thus, you were able to find it and go through! The silent alarms went off when they detected motion and I rushed back in. Sorry I tased you. Thought you were breaking in until I saw your ears."

It's hard to believe that I'm only here because of a stupid mistake.

"Anyways, enough about me. I don't even know your name! Much less about the world I've been trying so hard to get to. Tell me everything."

She looked so excited. Not cold, ominous, threatening, or anything. Just a human curious about the demon realm.

"Alright," I start, "My name is Luz Noceda. And I am a witch."

A/N: Since I've decided that I have too much free time, I've decided to do 1-3 screenshot redraws for just about every episode. As if character redesigns didn't take too much time already. But yeah, just ignore the fact that I made King a dog yet I can't draw dogs to save my life.

 But yeah, just ignore the fact that I made King a dog yet I can't draw dogs to save my life

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