Casual Mockery

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I pull the cart behind me as I walk up to the store.

"Hey Hooty!"

"Hello Luz. Eda went out for lunch. She'll be back soon hoot hoot."

I push the cart into the corner then just wander around the store. There's lots of various things ranging from possibly valuable, to garbage, to disturbing items that are definitely cursed.

"Hey kid! Got the deliveries done faster than I expected? You know, it's been a slow day. You want to head back home?" Eda asks, pushing open the front door with her foot, two paper bags in hand.

"Sure! I have something to show you when we get there."

"Can't wait to see whatever regular item you're fascinated by."


"This is the least interesting thing I've ever seen."

"Eda!" I gasp, very offended and confused.

"You, my sweet, innocent Luz, just got scammed. Good thing he didn't charge you for this junk."

"How do I know you're not just saying that so I don't get a new teacher?"

"Because, Luz, if there was a lake in the woods that could heal or de-age someone, I'd have found it and sold all the water by now."

I sigh, taking the book back.

"Look kid," Eda says, voice full of pity, "Soon you won't look like such an easy target."

"Is it ok if I hang out in my room alone for a bit?"


I walk up to my room and sit by the window, staring at the map. Eda's probably right. This does look fake. I drop the book down and lean back against the wall.

"I am an easy target." I sigh.

When I look back over at the book, I notice the part of the book that's in the sun is glowing slightly. I move the whole book into the sun and see something new.

A hidden path and the text "The lake will appear to those who believe"

"I was right!" I yell, jumping up.

I grab my staff, open up the window, jump out and fly off.


"I don't like this King. Some guy putting ideas in Luz's head. She has to know that there's no magic here. He's a new client too. I wonder what his game is." Eda says, scrolling through his order information.

A muffled yell comes from upstairs.

Eda looks up from her phone, confused. King notices it too and lifts his head up from his nap. The two make eye contact, then go upstairs.

"Luz?" Eda nervously asks, "Was that you?"

Eda knocks on the door, and gets no response.

"Luz, you okay? I heard you yell something."

Still no response.

Eda opens the door slowly, to find it's empty. Luz's staff is gone. And the window is wide open.



I land in a clearing and glance back at the map. Definitely going the right way. Sadly, the tree cover is getting thick so I have to walk the rest of the way.

I push the vines out of the way, regretting not learning more plant magic.

"Alright, got my book, my optimism, and my staff. Noting can get in my way now!"

The second I say that I trip over a root and fall face first into the mud. As I push myself up, I see a small creature in front of me.

"Hey," I softly say so I don't scare it, "You must be a human world cat. Aren't you cute."

I carefully pick it up. It has such soft fur. It's tan with black spots and a white stomach. It even has cute little black tufts on the tips of its ears.

"I'll name you....Tabs! Like a tabby. That's what you are, right? You look really different than cats from my world. And that's excluding the face you have an actual cat face!"

I stand up and carry it, continuing down the path to the enchanted lake.


"Oh no" Eda groans, looking out over the forest and seeing a large bobcat roaming the edge.

King whimpers slightly and scoots behind her legs.

"It looks like she's trying to find her baby. Knowing Luz...god damn it that kid is gonna be the death of me."

Eda scoops up king and tucks him under her arm. Carefully, she gets far away from the wild bobcat and starts trekking through the forest, looking for the trail.

"Okay," she sighs, "Here's what we know. A new customer gave Luz a map claiming it led to a magic lake and said if she brought him some, he'd teach her to be human. She's now in the woods, possibly holding a baby wild animal, looking for something that doesn't exist. Ugh! She looks like she should be old enough to not fall for something so blatantly fake."

King let's out a little yip.

"You're right. She's new and excited. I should try to teach her something. You always know what to say. Heck, feels like you actually understand me sometimes."

King just sticks out his tongue in response.

"Ha! You're right. Let's go get Luz."

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