Harmless Pranking

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I open up the front door to surprisingly see Eda rocking the bats.

"You look surprisingly motherly." I say, walking over to the couch.

"Say that again and I steal your tounge. So, you like the library?"

"It was awesome! Cool teenagers like me. Call me a library book because they were checking me out. Apparently Amity has older twin siblings. Edric and Emira. I know I'm cute but I was not expecting to get people smitting this soon."

"Oh. Those two? The boy and girl twins?" Eda asks, her tone confusing me.

"Yeah. So?"

"Oh. Huh. It's...nothing. Anyways, if you're making new friends, I feel like I need to specify that nobody learns you're a witch. I have a hunch you forget that sometimes. Oh, and nobody learns about this either. I have a reputation."

"Aw. Your reputation is so important I can't casually bring up that you are capable of love?"

"Obviously," Eda jokingly scoffs, "So, you going to see them again?"

"Oh! Yeah. I just wanted to grab the Azura book then I'm heading back out."

"Okay. Be back by morning or you're grounded."

"Got it!"


"Okay, just need to look cool." I whisper to myself, leaning against a pillar in a way I'm hoping doesn't look forced, "You're cool. You're cool enough to hang out with two cool, cute, humans. Yeah..."

"You done talking to yourself or are you going to contine?" Emira calls out, making me stumble a bit.

"You ready to come in?" Edric asks.

"Oh! Y-yeah. I'm good."

"It says no tresspassing, but I'm allergic to the rules." Edric says, pulling a bobby pin out of his hair and handing it to Emira.

"And dairy." She adds, walking over to the door and starting to pick the lock.

"Wow, okay. Just expose me."

There's the sound of a click and Emira pushes the door open.

"Come on!"

We all walk in and close the door.

"Wow. A dimly lit lobby. You guys really know how to party."

"Look! The green star!" Edric says, pointing to the massive window above the entrance.

A bright green shooting star crosses the night sky, its light temporarily illuminating the lobby.

The three of us look around for a few seconds, confused. Nothing seems different.

"Huh. Guess it was just a myth." Edric shrugs.

"Or was it. Look at the books!" Emira says, "They're glowing green."

I pull a book called "Extinct Birds of the World" and open it up. When I do a gyser of screeching birds blast out of it and into the air.

"MOTHER OF TITAN!" I yell, slamming the book shut in surprise.

Once I do, all the birds disappear.

I start to nervously chuckle and Edric and Emira join my surprise.

"Guys. Magic is real! Oh my god this is insane." Edric cheers.

"Man. Well, we all know the responsible thing to do with this shocking revelation of magic being real and being in a building full of books that bring to life whatever is inside." Emira says in a slightly sarcastic serious tone.

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