Acting human

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"Eda Clawthorne, nice to meet you."

"Don't look suspicious."

"It's Captain Wrath! Hide!"

"We have a witch"

"You even managed to get in here without a key!"

"You're welcome kid."

I jolt up from my sleep with a gasp. I look around. I'm in Eda's house.

"It wasn't a dream!" I cheer.

I scoop up King from the foot of my sleeping bag and give him a tight squeeze and some kisses. I carefully set him down then go to change.

I walk inside the bathroom. I open up a closet door to see lots of clothes in a bag marked "Sell?". After looking through it, I think I find a human-y outfit.

A green overshirt, a purple and white striped t-shirt, black jeans, and a red beanie.

Excited, I stand at the bottom of the stairs, eager to help Eda any way I can and be like a human. Finally, Eda walks out...still in pajamas.

"Hey Eda! Good morning. So, we gonna do some human things today?"

"Who are you again?"

Groggily, she walks right past me and into the kitchen.

"I'm Luz. The witch. I came from the portal you made. Yesterday." I say flatly.

"Look kid, mama hasn't had her morning juice yet." Eda groans.

She walks over to the fridge and pulls out a large bottle filled with a red liquid.

"Apple Blood? This early?" I ask, confused.

"Apple what? No. I am curious to what that is though."

"So," I begin, moving on from whatever she's drinking, "when am I going to be able to go out. And do things! Human things! a cart or...yell at the magic picture box!"

"You mean a car and a TV? Don't think so." She pauses to take a sip, "Look, being a human isn't some magic process. Some people who have been living here their whole lives suck at being human! Besides, those clothes you're wearing are from the bag of clothes I still need to tailor and wash. I literally pulled them out of a dumpster."

As I look closely, I do see, and smell, they're just dirty clothes doused in cheap perfume.

"But hey, there are places here to learn human things. I assume you have school in your realm? Well, we do to. And that's where small to medium humans learn all that they know. Kinda."

"You're sending me to human school?!" I squeal, slightly bouncing.

"What? No. You're not going to human school. I'm going to teach you how to be human, my way. Now get in the car, kid! I'm taking you on a trip."

I sigh and start to walk towards the door.

"But before we do you should probably change. And shower. With lots of soap."


We pull up to a small building in a row of stores and diners. It has a big sign reading "The Owl House".

"What is this?" I ask, stepping onto the sidewalk.

"This is my store. Cool, huh?"

As we step up to the door the owl face opens its eyes and starts talking.

"Hoot, hoot! Password please!"

"Hooty. You know exactly who I am. Now unlock the door before I let King get at your circuits." Eda groans.

The Lone Witch- The Owl House AUWhere stories live. Discover now