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"'Azura,' Hecate began, 'Our paths have only crossed in battle. But today, I stand before you seeking an ally'." Eda reads.

"I still can't belive you managed to get me into these books." I sigh, "You humans and your fascinating literature that manages to get me to ignore the factual falicies."

"Yeah, I had a feeling you would like it. You kinda remind me of Azura. The ability to befriend everyone, including her rivals. I personally belive in annihilation of enemies, but you can live your life how you want."

"I can't befriend everyone Eda. It's the one magic I don't have. Unless I use a potion. But keep reading!"

"Ding dong ding! Hoot hoot!" Hooty yells, swinging the door open.

"I'll get it." I say, hopping up.

In the doorway is a basket with a cloth in it. I bring it back to the kitchen and set it on the table in front of Eda.

"Gift basket for you, Eda."

"Probably a bribe. Being the one independant person in town has its perks."

I pull back the cloth and inside is three really ugly and big baby bats.

"Well kid, want these?" Eda chuckles, pushing the basket towards me.

"Witches eating babies is so 1693. Oh! A note!" I grab a small paper sticking out from the basket, "'Take care of my dearest pets until morning, as they are like my children, yi-yi.'"

"Nope. Babies and bats are awful. Not happening."

"'You will be handsomly rewarded. XOXOXOX, Dr. BQ'"

"Wait, these are her bats?" Eda gasps, eyes widening.

"Who's she?"

"The weathiest person in town! She owns a vet clinic, pet shelter, and a ton of land. She bought acres of land just to keep them from being destroyed! Get in with her, and you're set for life. Just have to keep these things alive for a few hours and we get paid. Easy."

"Our greatest adventure yet!" I swoon, "Learning about love and life through a child's eyes."

"Not you. You have to return the books I checked out from the library." Eda says, walking around the kitchen and grabbing books shoved into random places.

I sigh and start to walk out with the stack of books.

"Now lets take a look at these little darlings." Eda says, taking off the blanket all the way.

Immediately, they all start to screech at an ear-shattering volume.

"Though maybe you could help?" Eda yells, trying to be heard.

"Well I got to get to the library! Bye!"

I shut the door behind me and summon up my staff.

I land in an alley near the library and drop the invisibility. I'm in awe when I step out and see how massive the library is. I walk inside and set the stack down on the front desk. The clerk looks at the books and just sighs.

"Late. Late. Coffee, grass, and bloodstains? Do you happen to be delivering these for Eda Clawthorne?"

"Yeah. That was a crazy night."

"I'll put it on her tab. Oh, and go fast if you're going to look around. The green star is coming out tonight so we're closing early for the meteor shower."

"Ooo! What's that?"

"You're in a library." He says, slightly annoyed, "Read a book."

"I am in a library. I will read a book!" I squeal.

The Lone Witch- The Owl House AUWhere stories live. Discover now