Power and Drama King

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Gus shows me all around the school. I look at a trophy case, run into the robotics teacher, see some people play a weird game, and even wave hi to Willow as she's in her homeroom.

After we say hi to her, Gus and I go over and check out the Physical Arts homeroom. Edric and Emira are in there right now.

"Hey, if everyone is in class right now, how are you able to walk around and stuff?" I ask, glancing into more classrooms.

"Oh! Yeah all my teachers trust me so I use a voice recorder to record all my classes while I'm out doing office stuff. I just need to forge a hall pass and I can do whatever." Gus explains.

"Wow. You're good."

"Well, I wasn't able to move up a few grades for no reason."

Gus' watch starts beeping again.

"Oh! Time for the C.E.S. meeting!"

Gus leads me to the club room and has me wait outside the room while he starts the meeting.

"Witch! Witch! Witch!" I hear some club members chant.

"Conspiracy Examination Society! It is my pleasure to introduce to you..."

I swing the door open and walk inside. I do a small twirl, taking off the bracelet as I do, my disguise poofing off of me.

"Luz, the Witch!"

Everyone in the room gasps.

"Such showmanship."

"She's horrifying."

"Luz, will you inspect the items?" Gus requests, gesturing to the table.

"Of course, Mr. President. Allow me to determine if they're truely of my realms origin."

"Stop!" The new kid yells.

He pushes all of his items off the table making everyone gasp.

"Don't make another move, witch!" The kid jumps onto the table, "I...I have something to say. I'm new here at Westside. M-making friends is hard so I lied. They're all fakes. I thought if I was important enough people would like me. But I've caused enough drama. So...I'll go. I'm sorry."

He hops off the table and starts to walk off but I place my hand on his shoulder, making him stop and turn around.

"Hey man, it's okay. You're only human. That's...that's a phrase, right?"

"Mattholomule, you aren't alone," Gus adds, "You have a place here in the C.E.S."

"You're not alone."

"We admire your honesty."

"You're one of us."

"Thanks guys," Mattholomule sweetly says, "I knew you'd understand."


The meeting comes to a close and I wave to everyone leaving.

"Thanks for coming!"

"Come again soon!"

Before leaving, Matt walks up to Gus and I.

"Hey, Augustas, Luz, thank you for being so forgiving."

"We've all been the new kid before. Right, Gus?"

"Yeah." Gus agrees.

"Well, I just have one thing to say..."

The door of the club room slams open and two of the new guards step in.

"There she is!" Matt yells, pointing at me, holding up Gus' phone with the article of me being banned pulled up, "She's the intruder!"

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