Fighting Fiction with "Fiction"

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"Amity, wait!" I say, rounding a corner just behind Amity.

"First you embarrass me then you want to be my friend? I don't get you. Pick a side."

"Please, just listen to me."

"Just go away before things somehow get worse."

Right as she says that, there's the sound of loud, thumping footsteps. Around the corner turns a giant, mosterous creature growling. His heart beats loudly and the book in the center of the chest pulses.

That book being the Otabin book with Edric's drawing.

"Otabin?" Amity gasps, terrified and taking a step back.

"With claws and fangs and breaking bones, I found a friend to call my own." He growls, grabbing Amity.

"Luz!" She screams, being dragged away.

"Amity!" I yell, chasing her.



Otabin runs away surpsingly fast. I pant, trying to catch my breath, mind racing.

How am I supposed to save her without using magic?

I glance down and notice Amity's diary.

If whatever is written comes to life, I could write magical things happening and she wouldn't bat an eye!

And what better way to do real fake magic than with a little self-insert fanfiction.


In the library there is some rumbling and a purple cloud rolls in, revealing I, the good witch Luzura.

I look through the cloud and see both Amity and Otabin looking towards me.

"Azura?" Amity gasps, noticing the outfit I'm in through the cloud.

"Close!" I say, standing up and holding up the diary, "Is this drawn right? The cover art can be a bit dramatic and the descriptions in the books can only do so much."


"Ah, right." I say, grabbing my staff currently wrapped in an illusion to look like Azura's, "All right you beloved work of fiction, lets rumble."

I get ready to fly up then I remember that if I was a real human, I wouldn't know how to actually do magic.

I really should have thought of that before.

I run up to Otabin, weilding my staff like a baseball bat, yelling. Before I can get close enough  to hit him, he grabs the staff and tosses it behind him, thankfully away to where Amity can't see the illusion poof. He then grabs the diary and shuts it, making my azura outfit vanish.

"Not an Azura fan, huh?" I nervously chuckle.

Otabin slams me against the page oppisite the one Amity is sewn in and sews down my arm.

"Making friends, taking friends, never be without my friends." He growls.

"You feind. You can't rhyme friends with friends."

"Good work Luzura." Amity scoffs.

"Hey! I was trying to save you!"

"Well it doesn't matter. Now this nightmare version of Otabin is going to sew us into the page and we'll be stuck together forever."

I wiggle my arm and see the page moving with us and I get an idea.

"No we aren't. Follow my lead," I lean back a bit and slam my feet against the page, "One."

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