Demon fight

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I pat King on the head, impressed by my handiwork. He is now completely safe from any demon. Well, I taped two pillows to him, but it's safe enough!

Staff in hand and ready, I slowly open the door of Eda's room and look out into the hall. I don't see anything so I step out. Cautiously, King steps out behind me.

"Alright bud, lets find that demon and save Eda."

I grab one of the balls of light and use it to light our way as we stalk the halls.

"Where is it?"

A clicking sound comes from behind me and a massive shadow looms over me.


It raises it's arm to slash at me. In a panic, I expand the ball making a massive flash. The demon shrieks and backs up.

I'm also able to get a better look at it. It has large black eyes, massive wings, body structure that could function on all fours and just on its back legs, a figure that's at least 7 feet tall, clawed hands and feet, and long brown and grey feathers.

The beast snarls before running off.

"Get back here you...huh?"

I feel something sticky catch my foot. I look at it and it seems to be the ingredients for the "melatonin". But it doesn't have any melatonin listed. It's just ingredients...

...that are in....

....curse elixirs.

Oh no.

I grab King and rush back into Eda's room, barricading the door.

"Okay bud, no idea if you understand this but that demon? Not really a demon. It's Eda. Now, it has black eyes so it's sensitive to light. I could use a light spell but this running and doing all this magic is making me exhausted. Do you have any idea what could be used to at least knock out Eda so we can get her some elixir?"

King trots over to Eda's bedside table and nudges it. I look and on top is her phone.

"Right! Phones have a flash when you take photos. Just need to pull it up and we'll be good to go."

I turn it on and try to get to the camera. The screen says I just need to swipe to the left but nothing's happening. Did Eda make it so you have to unlock it to access anything?

God she's so paranoid.

"What the hell is her password?"










And just great. If I can't guess this, I'm done for.

A loud bang comes from behind me. I look back and see a claw reaching in, grabbing at the air. King is barking his head off. The claw rips the hole bigger. And then, the demon comes inside.

Come on, come on. What's the password? Her birthday? I don't know that. Some other meaningful day? Or year? Or just something that holds personal significance.

That's it!

Willow showed me a trick with a calculator where you type in numbers then hit enter and you get words! Gus tried to show me one but Willow wouldn't let him.



Of course, the Owl Lady's password is "hoot".

I dig through her apps.

A sound of King yelping.

I find the camera.

Claws digging into foam.

Open the app.

Bed gets thrown across the room.

Turn on flash and...


With a groan, Eda sits up. A long straw leading to her mouth from another elixir bottle I found.

"Hey, Eda," I say sheepishly, "So, sorry for knocking you out. Bad idea in hindsight. Shouldn't use magic to solve every problem and definitely shouldn't use it on someone without consent. But, thanks to magic, I was able to fix your room after you destroyed it! Another good thing, I kinda know how to use your phone."

"You knocked me out, making me unable to drink my elixir, and you broke into my phone? If I wasn't so tired I'd....I'd....actually, this isn't all your fault. I should have told you this awhile ago I have no excuse."

She pats the bed and I sit next to her.

"As you probably guessed, I'm cursed. It was when I was a kid. I don't know who did it or why, but I have to live with it. Magic is rare here, but, sometimes stuff from your world ends up here. And even places with natural magic can be found. Obviously, nobody can use it like you, but some do figure a few things out. I lied to you because I though if you knew there was some magic here, you would go out looking for things from your world instead of learning about this world. I have a guy who knows who supplies me with ingredients. When I was in the shed out back earlier I was making more."

"What's with the labels if you make them?"

"In case anyone finds them and asks questions. Anyways, when I get angry, stressed, scared, or don't drink my elixir I turn into that thing. That's why my police bin says 'The Owl Lady'. Government people saw me and yeah. They learned about magic. I hated the nickname because of how demeaning it was so I just embraced it. All the owl stuff helps but I just think they're cool animals. Good thing I wasn't cursed to turn into a raven monster or anything. Hah! I'd hate that way more."

We both chuckle but mine is very forced.

"I am sorry Eda. I had no idea but should have listened to you."

"Don't beat yourself up kid," Eda says, lightly elbowing me, "You're 16, I think, you're bound to screw up. But yeah, don't break into my phone again. Though I am glad you're figuring it out. Maybe I could get you one sometime."

"You're getting me a phone!" I squeal, perking up.

"Maybe! I might get you a cheap phone at some point. You know how much I care about you blending in," when she says that she glances at my ears and her face shifts for a second, then goes back, "So it'd make sense. No promises on quality! Having another mouth to feed is already breaking into my savings."

"Thank you thank you thank you!" I cheer, wrapping my arms around her.

She runs her fingers through my hair and we just, sit. Doing, saying, and thinking nothing.

Except for my wondering who cursed Eda and how they got it.

A/N: I'm gonna be honest, didn't think this episode arc would be so short. I guess cutting out King and Luz having magic combined removes a decent chunk of story. Regardless, next is Covention. As you'd think, have to make some changes, but we do get a new character and seeing more of another one. See you there.

Here's a look at this AU's version of the Owl Beast curse so you have a better idea what it looks like!

Here's a look at this AU's version of the Owl Beast curse so you have a better idea what it looks like!

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The Lone Witch- The Owl House AUWhere stories live. Discover now