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For a split second, I'm free-falling. Then, I'm flying.

I go as high as I can. Higher than ever before. So high, I can see the whole isle. It's beautiful from up here.

I stay like that for a second. Then, I get back to work. I scan the isle for any place I haven't been. Which, unsurprisingly, limits my options. I decide to just go to the furthest I've gone in the woods and go from there. It's right around the old Illusionist graveyard. I touch down, wave to the guardian, and get walking.

I'm somewhat used to the terrain of this place so it's not too bad. Not really seeing any demon but that's to be expected. There's a rough radius around the graveyard that demons don't go. Lucky for me, it's a pretty big radius.

I walk for what must be hours. It starts to near nightfall so I begin looking around for a place to rest and journal what happened today. As I search, I don't see too much. I'm trying not to be picky but I've never slept in the woods before.

Soon, the moon is high in the sky and I still don't see anything. Every place is either too high, too rocky or is close to flesh-eating plants. I'm beginning to get tired. But then, I see something glowing. As I get closer I see a simple shack with light coming out of it.

I have to be hallucinating, right? Why would there be a house this far out?

I get closer. And closer. It's not a hallucination. There's really a house out here.

I go up to the front door and, just in case, knock. In response, the place my fist hit crumbles. This place is ancient.

I step inside and see...nothing. Well, nothing except a glowing circle on the far wall. That....isn't normal. But, I feel a strange pull towards it. This is supposed to be my greatest adventure, right? Might as well see what happens.

Carefully, I walk towards it. I ready my staff in case there's anything dangerous happens when I touch it. I reach my hand out and...nothing. It just goes through. Is this, like, a portal or something? Where's its source? Where does it lead? All my hand feels on the other side is just cold nothingness. Slowly, I step inside.


Cold air rushes around me. Where am I?

I look behind me and see a large metal contraption. Someone actually invented a portal.

"This is incredible," I say to myself.

Suddenly, I feel electricity course through my body. I feel lightheaded. I try and turn around to see who attacked me but my vision is blurry. I can make out a figure holding something out towards me. I think it's a woman.

I collapse onto the ground as the woman walks towards me. As I drift into unconsciousness, she says something.

"Oh my god. It worked."

My eyes close and I finally pass out.

The Lone Witch- The Owl House AUWhere stories live. Discover now