Dump Diving

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"Welcome Luz, to the most breathtaking place in town!"

Eda, King, and I are at the entrance of the place Eda called a Junkyard. Sure is lots of junk.

"God, this smells worse than a rotting trash slug." I groan, plugging my nose.

"Oh it may smell worse but it's way better. Hundreds of dollars buried beneath all the diapers and coffee filters. We just have to get it." She says chipperly, pulling out two shovels and a few garbage bags.

"Please for the love of Titan don't make me do this." I beg, reluctantly taking the shovel.

"Look, roadside furniture can only make me so much. If I want to get rich, and just be able to afford my shop, I got to get messy every once and a while. And by 'I', I mean 'we' my new employee."

Eda starts shoveling and I just try to quickly think of a new topic.

"So Eda, when are you going to start teaching me human things? Like driving a car, doing taxes, and other human-y things?"

"Ugh," Eda groans tossing a vase over her shoulder, "That just sounds like schoolwork."

"Wait. Is there a human school near here? Like, massive buildings, cliques, and dances that leave people with broken hearts kind of human school?"

"Yep. And, what's worse, they have a set curriculum where you pick one path and only learn what you need to succeed in that field! But learning should be uninhibited. Just look at me! I dropped out of school, and who wouldn't envy where I am."

I look her up and down, expression falling, seeing all the gross things she's standing in.

"Hey, um, here's a lesson, humans are very resourceful" Eda says, grabbing my wrist and leading me to a pile of bags and dirt.

She motions for me to grab something so I pick up some green fuzzy pods and shove them in my pocket.

"Use them wisely, young one, for they might come in handy. Now, back to work!"

Eda pivots and heads over to another garbage pile.

"Is it okay if I walk home and try to figure out your tev? That's a human thing." I ask, backing away.

"It's TV and sure. Don't get lost, do magic, or talk to strangers!" Eda calls out, seeing me backing away.

"I won't!" I yell back, running out, but pausing to pet King, who's just laying at the entrance, on my way.

I pull up my hood and rush out into town to explore a bit before I head home.


I walk along the sidewalks, observing the humans doing their thing. Some are on the phoon, no, phones talking, some are walking around, some are eating inside restaurant, and others are waiting at human bus stops.

A lot less dangerous than the ones back home.

"You can do it! You can!" I hear a voice chanting.

On instinct I turn myself invisible before realizing it's someone in the alley. I peak in and see a girl pacing around. She has dark brown hair up in a bun, glasses, a cute but simple outfit, and some gloves. There's also magenta symbol pinned to her shirt. She's wearing a backpack so she must be a student. I wonder what she's worried about.

"Even if you get a bad grade, it's not a reflection of yourself as a person. My parents are right. There are better opportunities on this pathway. And now, to school!"

The girls confident expression drops when she steps on a beautiful blooming flower.

"Oh no! Little friend! I'm sorry."

The girl drops to her knees and pulls out some gardening tape and grabs a twig from nearby. She straightens the flower then attaches the twig to it. She smiles softly at the flower.

I notice footsteps coming from behind me and lean up to the wall so they don't bump into me while I'm still invisible.

A girl walks past me and turns into the alley. She has light brown hair with greenish-teal tips, a cute outfit, and the same pin on her shirt the other girl has as well as a backpack and a big box. Is she a classmate of the girl?

"Willow! I thought I heard you. Wouldn't have even noticed if you weren't crying over a plant." The girl says in a patronizing tone, setting down the box.

Right on cue, the plant tips over.

"Oh, hey Amity." Willow shyly says, standing up.

"I'm surprised you aren't I class, shouldn't you be working on your-"

Before she can finish, Willows bag tips over and some scraps, gears, and other human tech things spill out.

"Oh, Willow. You don't have anything to show? Do you?"

"Witch drama." I whisper to myself, just quiet enough that they can't hear me.

Willow takes a step back and looks down ashamed.

"This is why people call you half-wit Willow." Amity sighs, resting her hand on her shoulder.

The box she had starts rattling.

"Oh! Looks like someone wants to say something to you! AB, rise."

The lid of the box pops open and a little purple mechanical thing comes out. Android, I think it's called? I remember seeing an ad on tv about them.

The little android walks over to Willow, it's legs extend, and it's puts a little star sticker on her forehead.

"You are a star." It says.

"Aw. How sweet. Look, as top student, it's my job to tell you to keep at it. Who knows! Maybe even you could get a passing grade someday. AB, cower."

The android walks back to its box and pulls the lid back on.

"See you in class, superstar." Amity smirks, picking up her box and walking away.

Willow rips off the sticker and throws it to the ground the second Amity is a decent amount away.

"'See you in class superstar'" Willow mocks.

I start to step closer, just slightly out from behind the corner.

"Ugh! I hate it when she does that. I hate making androids. I hate getting bad grades. I can't stand this anymore!"

She punts an abandoned ball that just barely misses my face. I scream and fall back, the invisibility vanishing.

I really hope she didn't see that.


A/N: Willow and Amity are here at last! It took a bit deciding how to incorporate the coven system and tracks into the human world, but it's been fun. If you guys ever want me to list the track/coven equivalents, just let me know. After I get a few more episodes done, I might just start putting the character designs at the end of chapters...

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