Meanies and Mysteries

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Eda sits down next to me just as the lights dim, apparently having changed her mind. A spotlight illuminates the stage, revealing Principal Bump from Westside standing there holding a mic.

"Hello everyone!" He says, getting some applause from the audience, "Now, students ask me all the time what the greatest thing they could achieve in their career. Well, that would be being selected for the best of the best. And that would be to get accepted into the crown jewel of our city. The mayor's cabinet!"

Everyone cheers as three people walk out doing various different things. One has robotic legs, helping them jump all the way up to the roof of the auditorium. The second one pours a chemical into a jug and makes an explosion of foam. Lastly, one is doing the splits with themselves raised by two horses.

"Luz!" Willow and Gus whisper yell.

When I look over I see a signature on Gus' forehead reading Mayor's Cabinet.

"Feast your eyes on the wonders that have been brought from this new age of career control. Each member of this elite force has been hand picked by the mayor himself."

"When does that elite force get here. Ha!" Eda laughs, elbowing the guy next to her.

"Members of the Mayor's Cabinet have access to all, yes, all career opportunities. Ooh. Ahh."

The entire audience oohs and ahhs in response.

"But, only the best can ascend these ranks. And some day, that could be one of you!"

Bump points to the audience and I notice Amity in the crowd, squealing with excitement.

The three people leave the stage and the lights dim again. Fog machines start up and Bump takes a few steps back. A hole in the stage opens up and I can slightly hear something inside. A rising platform?

"And now," Bump continues, "I'm pleased to introduce the esteemed head of the Cabinet, and this year's mystery guest. You know her you love her, Lilith!"

There's a burst of bright blue light and a woman is suddenly on stage. She sticks out her arms and people cheer as small fireworks go off. I glance over and see Eda completely speechless.

"Do you...know her?" I cautiously ask.

"You could say that." She distractidly replies.

"Mysterious past!" I whisper with a gasp.

"Thank you all," Lilith begins, the crowd quieting, "It wasn't easy for me to rise to the top. I also started from humble beginnings. And now, I have the highest honor of ensureing the mayor's plans are followed. So be more! The Mayor's Cabinet awaits!"

The crowd errupts in cheers as she sticks her arms out, soaking in all the glory. I glance back at Eda who's just glaring.

As the crowd streams out, Eda immediately starts going to the exit.

"Eda! Where are you going?" I call out, getting out of the mass of people.

"I'm gonna head home and wash the con funk off my skin. You know the way. Don't fly if you're visible."

"You're not even going to take this quiz to determine our ideal pathways?" I say, holding up a free magazine I found.

She just sighs, turns back, and walks off. Saddened but not feeling too bad, I start looking for Willow and Gus. Not paying attention, I bump into Amity.

"Watch where you're- oh. It's you. Funny, didn't see you in school. Oh wait, you don't actually go to Westside. Still friends with half-wit whoever you are?"

Titan I hate her.

"Hey Amity. Sorry about last week," I lie, trying to repress the many things I should say to her, "I'm Luz."

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