The "Enchanted Lake"

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I finally hit the end of the path and reach a lake. Or, pit? I can't really tell. Instead of being crystal clear it's pitch black and stiff.

I get shaken from my confusion by the cat squirming out of my arms.

"Hey! Kitty! Where are you...."

I trail off as I see a massive version of the cat walk out from the trees.

"Ah. Not a cat. Wild animal. Gotcha."

It starts to slowly walk towards me so I summon my staff and slam the base on the ground, causing a small shockwave. The second I do it freezes, grabs its kit by the scruff and runs off just like I hoped.

"Ha! See! Not used to witches are you? That's what you get for thinking I'm just a-"

The ground beneath me collapses and I fall into the lake. The black goop is super sticky and I immediately begin getting sucked in, my hood getting lodged down right away. I'm sinking very slowly, but still, this isn't ideal.

I hear footsteps approaching the edge and I see Adegast coming up to the edge.

"Oh how glad I am that I was right. A real witch. In the human realm. And working for Eda no less!" He celebrates.

"Adegast! What are you doing? You lied to me!" I yell, angry and confused.

"Of course. Now, you are currently stuck in a tar pit. Don't really know why or how one formed here, but it's here nonetheless. You work for Eda. And thanks to you, I can finally get her out of the way."

"You're going to murder me and Eda?" I ask, now just confused.

"Yes! She's taking buisness from my store. She must be killed."

"Man, you really have a bad way of taking care of competition," I laugh, "Murder by tar pit, you say? Why not just stab her? Or use some other human weapon. Eda's said something about owning a few...goons? I don't know what they are, but I'm not allowed to touch them."

After saying that, he nervously takes a step back, looking nervous.

"And how is Eda supposed to know where I am? You really didn't think this through Adegast. Ever consider close up magic tricks? That kind of trick would be much easier for a human like you."

Out of nowhere, Eda runs out screaming, and Adegast sticks his leg out making her fall into the pit too.

"Ha! Told ya witch! My plan has worked."

I give Eda a very annoyed look.

"Hey," Eda protests, whispering, "You're the one who angered a wild bobcat. Note to being human, don't grab wild animals. Especially babies."

"Lecture me later Eda. We should focus on getting out of this thing."

"Oh, you won't be getting out any time soon," Adegast madly laughs, "And once I get the mayor here to show that I caught a witch, I'll definitely be compensated greatly."

"Compensated for catching a witch?"

"Oh, your mentor never told you. When this place was still a colony, we were famous witch hunters. The mayor says that while they're rare, witches are still among us and anyone who catches one and brings it to him will be compensated heavily."

I just snort at that, before wildly laughing at him.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh, yeah. You really think it's that easy to catch a witch. I guess you forgot," I draw a quick spell circle over the tar, "Witches have magic."

I release the spell and get control over all the tar. I get all of it off me and make a tendril that grabs Adegast. It's not too hard because this stuff is like thick abomination goop. The tar wraps around him and sucks him down into it so he's up to his shoulders in tar. I push the tar off from me, Eda, and King, leaving us on dry land so we can climb up. I lead the away, releasing the tar to go back to doing it's thing.

"Luz! You just stuck a person in a tar pit!" Eda yells, sounding scared.

"Don't worry Eda. It's not that deep. He'll be fine as long as he gets out before starving to death. Those clothes are ruined though." I chuckle.

Both of us start laughing but I quickly quiet down.

I risked mine and Eda's life. And for what? To be more human? I trusted that guy so easily. Will all humans be like this?

"Thinking of calling it quits?" Eda asks, nudging me.

"No, or maybe? I don't know. I'm just so confused. This place is nothing like I imagined."

Eda pauses before smiling.

"Maybe not here, but I know somewhere that might be."


The car comes to a stop. Eda gets out, walks over to my side, and starts leading me somewhere. She gave me a blindfold when we got in the car, so I'm anxiously waiting for whatever the surprise is.

A cool wind rushes around me. We must be pretty high up.

"Alright, you can look."

I take of the blindfold and am immediately taken aback. The sun is setting over the horizon. You can see the whole city from up here.

"Up close, this place is gross, smelly, and full of people who want to screw you over. But up here..."

"It's beautiful." I whisper.

I look over at Eda. Her hair waving in the breeze. She looks so calm. Happy.

"Hey Eda, I'm really sorry. I had no idea-"

"Don't sweat it kid." She interrupts, "You're young and new to this world. I'm not shocked you fell for that guy's tricks. And hey, that magic work? You're skilled kid. Just remember to only use magic when you have no other choice. Or get a disguise! That'd be cool."

We both laugh then look back out to the setting sun.

Eda's right. I am new. But I'm gonna figure this place out.

I know it.

A/N: And there we have Witches before Wizards! It was fun just making Adegast some greedy nerd, but the antagonists are going to start getting more complicated. After all, Luz is meeting her friends soon, and with friends come enemies.

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