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The three of us are sitting down in the corner. I set up a quick illusion that'll make sure nobody sees or hears us.

"So, Gus," I begin, knowing that Eda's gonna kill me the second she finds out two people know, "Witches are real, and I am one. Though, those magazines of yours are probably way off. I will answer any questions either of you have."

Gus slowly raises his hand.

"Yes, Gus?"

"Was that bile sack thing true? How can you do magic in this realm? Can anyone learn magic? How did you get here? Are there other witches with you? How old are you? Why did you come here? Want a PB&J?" He quickly questions all at once.

"Yes, the bile sack contains magic so I can do it here, no, portal, not that I know of, 16, adventure, and sure." I answer, thankfully keeping track of all the questions.

He hands me half a PB&J and looks very content with getting his questions answered. Willow still looks curious.

"So how did you do that robot thing? And cover your ears?" She asks.

"Illusions. I didn't take that track but I had a friend group that had one person per track so we could teach everyone all kinds of magic. I was technically in the Potions track. From what I've heard, your school actually follows a kinda similar structure."

Gus looks very fascinated.

"What?" I chuckle, "You want to learn tons of magic too?"

"No. Just illusions. It seems...appealing for some reason."

"Okay," Willow continues, clearing her throat, "So you're a witch from another realm who came here for funsies and lied to me so you could get into a human school?"

"Yeah. That sums it up." I say, taking another bite of the PB&J.

Willow still looks concerned.

"The second Amity finds out you cheated, or helped me cheat, I guess, I'll be in so much trouble. You too."

"I'll be fine," I shrug, "Magic. Remember?"

I take down the illusion and the second I do, Amity rounds the corner. Thankfully, I manage to get the illusion over my ears before she notices.

"Alright Park," She scowls, glaring at Willow, "I don't know what you did but I know you cheated. Last I saw your android is was a bunch a scrap! What did you do?"

Her yelling thankfully attracts some attention, which gets a teacher to come over. The robotics teacher.

"Amity Blight! I suspected a twinge of jealousy, but this? This is just sad."

"I-no-but..." She stammers.

"Report to Principle Bumps office."



Amity's head drops and she walks off. A few other students snicker at her. But they quickly shut up when she looks at them.


"Whoo! Who new justice was so fun!" I cheer, walking back into the classroom with Willow and Gus, "And hey, don't have to worry about Amity anymore!"

"Yeah! High five!" Gus cheers, sticking up a hand.

"Uh..." I say confused, looking between them.

"Just slap his hand. It's a human thing." Willow says, taking my wrist and smacking my hand against his.

"Human shows of friendship," I whisper to myself, in awe, "This is incredible."

Suddenly, the classroom door slams open and Amity and some old dude walk in.

The Lone Witch- The Owl House AUWhere stories live. Discover now