Card Game Addiction

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"I seriously regret that I taught you this." I sigh, glancing up from my cards.

"Why would that be? Makes sense that if I'm so good at Texas Hold'em, Hexes Hold'em would be equally easy."

She places down a card and all the cards come to life and start fighting.

"I don't know Eda, not looking so great for you right now. I am pretty great at this game. Any proper witch knows how to play."

"Well, don't forget what you taught me. When you're backed into a corner, that's when you play the wild card."

She places down her card and all of mine go up in flames. Firey text spells out "Winner: Eda" in the air.

"Hah! In your face! Oh the feeling of victory. It feels...fluffy?"

"Ummm...Eda? It's happening again." I nervously point out.

"What's happen-" She glances at her arms and sees the feathers sprouting from her arm, "Ah. That."

"Are there any elixers in your room?"

"No. If there was I would have taken one this morning."

"What about the fridge? Can you still take them cold?"

"Yeah, and that'd be a good idea if there was any in there." Eda sheepishly responds.

I just sigh and slightly shake my head.

"Look, I know, I'll handle it. we can go out to the market and I'll get some more ingredients so I can whip up some more elixers."

"Sweet!" I hop up and start heading towards the door when I notice Eda isn't moving.

"Maybe just one more game before we go? It'll be all-wait. Where are my cards?"

"They're my cards," I correct, pulling the cards out of my pocket, "and we can play when you're not all feathery. Must I show you the picture on your phone?"

"Fine. We'll go. And I know about the picture. Might I say, I know it should be repulsing but I look fierce!"

I sigh with a chuckle and we head out to door to go to the market.


Eda bangs on the metal grate of a shop in the wall of the market lane as I sit on a nearby bench holding King's leash.

"Hey! Open up Morton!"

"Uh, ju-just a minute!" A voice from inside stammers.

"It's nice to know people watching is still fun in the human realm." I say.

I watch as a bus pulls up to a stop, a few people get in, and the second it pulls away a girl tries to chase after it but has too short of a stride to catch it and quickly gives up.

"The curse of tiny legs," I sigh, pulling King into my lap, "I bet you know the feeling, don't you buddy?"

The sound of engine backfire booms down the lane. Down the road is a massive truck. In the back is a large cage with a wild animal inside. But, it doesn't look like normal human realm animals. It has strange growths. Limbs are is strange directions. It looks like an amalgomation of human and demon realms creatures.

One person is driving the truck while a few more walk along the side. They go down the road slowly, as if they wanted as many people to see them as possible. The creature begins to move and make a stange noise, like the mix of a roar and a cry. The largest of the people pulls something from their belt and stabbing the creature, sending what seems to me a massive electric charge through it, making it fall back down into unconciousness.

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