Entering and Breaking

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"-So, yeah. That's all I got for now." I sigh, tired from the long explanation.

Eda looks so fascinated and ecstatic. I suppose that's understandable for a human. I've heard that they get excited easily.

"I still can not believe you are a real witch from the Demon Realm! Once I show that stupid mayor my project works...."

Eda trails off.

"Mayor?" I ask.

"Yeah. Mayor Belos. It's like...our version of an emperor, but less power. It's hard to explain."

"What'll happen if you show him the portal?" I question, slightly concerned.

"I took out a big loan to support this project and if I can show the mayor it works, he'll start funding me!"

"And what will he do if he sees it works?"

"I don't know. But that doesn't matter. I can finally prove myself!"

A powerful man having access to the Boiling Isles? That is not good. I need to get home and destroy the portal. Maybe with some fire...

"Anyways, I bet you're probably hungry. Could I offer you some store-brand crackers? They're flavorless~" She says the last part in a sing-songy voice.

"Do you think I could actually head back home? I...left the stove on."

I grab my staff and bag from where they were resting in the corner and head towards the front door.

"Stop right there." Eda says sternly, grabbing me by my hood.

She pulls me back to the couch and makes me sit down.

"You aren't going anywhere until you help me with something. I mean, you kinda don't have a choice. You don't exactly know where the portal is."

"Fine." I sigh, "What do you need?"

"To put it simply, we need to break into the police station. Last time I got arrested, something very important was taken from me. I would do it myself but I'm getting older, King can't understand english well, and it's also locked in a way I can't pick. It's weird. Anyways, I need you to get into the storage area and grab it. There'll be a bin with my name on it. I'll make sure you can get in." Eda explains, speaking as though she's been planning this for a while.

"What about the creature?"

"King? Oh, he'll be with you. He knows what we're looking for."

I give her a weird look but it seems like she's being serious.

"Just come on."


After a bit of 'driving' in this 'car', we get to the police station. It's a simple two story building and the only reason it was distinguishable was the giant sign saying what it is.

"Alright kid, the storage is on the second floor in the back. I'll make sure the guy on duty doesn't go there."

I climb out cautiously. Other humans are just going about their days.

"Don't look suspicious. And pull up your hood. Pointy ears and all that."

I do as she says. Me, Eda, and King go towards the building. When we get to the front, Eda hands me King's leash and me and him head to the back.

I put King into my bag and climb over the fence protecting the back. When I get to the other side, I summon a platform to lift me up to the window. Conveniently, it was left open. I climb inside...and fall on my face.

As I look around, I quickly realize I went through the wrong window. There's a long line of cells going down the hall.

Just when I turn around to leave, someone notices me.

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