chapter twenty four.

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The thunder cracking overhead woke he from a deep sleep, she sat up in the large bed and realized she was alone.

The room was dark but the window was cracked letting in a cool breeze she could smell and hear the rain other than that the room was still.

"Chris?" She called out to him.

Silence answered her and she waited q long minute, she wasn't sure how long he was gone or why he'd left.
Had he gone to his own room?
Had he gone to Claire's?
Both questions took turns ricocheting through her mind.

"Chris?!" She called a little louder.

Her bedroom door opened and he stopped inside wearing only a pair of flannel PJ pants.

"I'm right here," He said quickly.

She pulled the blanket closer to her body suddenly feeling very exposed and awkward.

"I uhm...I thought you left," she said lamely.

"No, I just wanted to call and check on Hannah."

"Is she okay?"

"Sleeping, but fine."

She gave a silent nod then sat there this was awkward and she hated it. Whatever this relationship was now felt strained and she wasn't sure what to say.
Should she invite him back to bed? Or was that clingy and desperate?

He moved walking into the bathroom connected to her bedroom and she watched him go, begging herself to think of something to say or do.
Anything to salvage tonight.

He returned with a washcloth in one hand and didn't hesitate to climb into the bed with her.
She instinctively reached for him, not sure what he was doing but needed the contact.

He moved gently placing the warm, wet cloth between her legs. He carefully wiped the blood from her inner thighs careful not to scrub too hard and she blushed.
This was a different kind of intimacy that she wasn't used too.

"Why don't I go run you a hot bath and while you're gone I can change change sheets?" He asked pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"You don't have to do that it's fine," she said.

"You're going to be sore, I think it will help."

Seeing that he wasn't going to back down she gave a small nod and watched him climb from the bed and head back into the bathroom, a fee minutes later she heard the water turn on in the giant tub.

She climbed from the bed meeting him halfway between the bed and the bathroom she paused to wrap her around around his waist since she couldn't reach his neck.
He pulled her against his solid chest without hesitation holding her tight, her naked body pressed against him.

With a boldness she didn't really feel she pressed a kiss on his chest and looked up at him, pretending to not feel shy she spoke.

"Maybe when you're done you can come join me?" She asked.

"I don't think thats a good idea," He said honestly.

Her heart fell and it must have showed on her face because he ducked down down a deep, long kiss before pulling away.

"It's not that I don't want too, I don't want to hurt you."

"I'm fine," she said quickly, despite the fact she could still feel the dull ache in her abdomen and between her legs.

"You're lying."

"I'll be fine, it's not a big deal."

"You're not used to me yet, it's okay. It's not your fault and I tried to be gentle aren't used to me being inside of you. You're going to be sore and if we do this again it's going to be worse. We have lots of time to make up for it."

She stared up at him and for a minute wondered how she got so lucky. To go from failing school, wearing worn out clothes, hungry, living in her mom's crack house constantly being harassed by creepy men to here.
A beautiful house, a beautiful little girl, a safe place to sleep and a man who was so concerned about her discomfort he was willing to put aside his own pleasure.

"Go on, I'll change change sheets and maybe get us a snack."

He gave her a gentle nudge towards the bathroom and she followed his instructions.
Her mind briefly went to Claire as she soaked in the heavenly water.
Wasn't there a code about now stealing someone else's man? She felt guilty, but she had done just that.
An apology wouldnt make it better and she wasn't willing to give up Chris.
When she finally pulled herself from the water Chris was in bed, the sheets freshly cleaned and one of his shirts laying next to him.

Taking the hint she pulled it over her small frame and climbed into bed next to him.

"Are you going to stay? All night?" She asked.

"I don't have too, I will leave if you want me too."

"I don't, I want to sleep next to you."

"When Hannah comes home...I think we just need to be careful, for awhile," He said gently.

"I know, that's okay."

"I just don't want to confuse or overwhelm her."

She gave a small nod, snuggling closer against his side.

"She wants a batman cake for her birthday, I told her that might be out of my capabilities."

"She loves when you make her cakes," He pointed out.

"We will see."

They settled into an easy silence until Zoey sat up.


"What? What's wrong?"

"Marie's parents will come to Hannah's birthday, what if they find out about us?"

"They'll find out eventually."

"Fuck," she buried her face in her hands.

"Baby, it's okay." He said sitting up and rubbing her back.

"No, it's not. Marie...I was supposed to be her friend and I'm here. With you."

"It's okay, Dave and Ruth are good people and they adore you. They'll understand."

"They'll think I'm a homewrecker."

"Baby, they know Marie is dead, and they'll know this didn't happen while she was alive. Besides look at could I possibly not fall head over heels for you?"

She turned her head to look at him and he pushed her short hair off her face.

"It's going to be hard but it's going to be okay. Better than okay."

She leaned over first kissing him deep, he waited a second before carefully pulling away knowing he wouldn't stop if he didn't.


"I'm fine,"

She kissed him again this time pushing him back onto the bed. He was a good foot taller than she was and at least a hundred pounds heavier, he could have stopped her but he didn't.

Not when he fell back on the mattress of when she threw one of her legs over his hips, straddling him, or when she stripped her shirt over her head.

His hands immediately found there way to her small waist, lifting her so she could help pull down his flannel. Pulling her in for another long kiss.

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