chapter twenty one.

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"Come on ladies, I don't want to be late!' Chris called up the stairs as he finished tying his tie.

The ball the mayor held every year was tonight and as was tradition Zoey was his date, Hannah tagging along but tonight Claire would be waiting for him.
He was hoping that he could persuade Zoey and Hannah would come home alone and he could go home for the night with Claire.

The sound of shoes had him turning just as Hannah bounded down the steps from her room. She had on a Batman dress, complete with purple tutu skirt and curly hair.
Black and purple tights with small black combat boots completed the ensemble.

"TA-DA!" She cried happily as she landed on the bottom stair.

"Oh, you look...perfect, " he decided.

One of the things he loved about his daughter was how unlike other little girls she was. The other girls would be in pinks, purple and lace and there was his. So proud of being Batman.

"Zoey curled my hair, " she said.

"I see that."

"Sorry we are running late, I couldnt find Hannahs shoe, " Zoey called from the upstairs landing.

He turned just as she descended the stairs quickly. Her silver stilettos clicking on the stairs. Her left hand gripping her dress to hold up the hem, it was a dark, emerald green satin. Tight in all the right places, showing every curve on it's way down her trim body, the back of the dress was none existwnt showing off her smooth lale skin. The front was high necked, thin straps holding it in place. Her black hair was too short for an updo but she teased and curled it, silver earrings hung from each ear and a diamond bracelet on her right wrist.

She reached the bottom and quickly collected Hannah leading her to the cost rack.

"It's gonna get chilly, so I want you to wear this, " she said crouching down to pull a thin coat over Hannah.

Chris stared, he knew he was starting. He knew he should stop but he didn't, he couldn't, she had no idea just how devastating she looked in that dress. The men at the ball would swallow their tongues when they saw her. He couldn't shake the small swell of pride, they could drool all they wanted she was coming home with him.

"Do you need a jacket?" He asked as he walked toward the door.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you."

He gave a small nod as she opened the door and he followed her and Hannah to his truck.

The ball was in full swing when they got there and he remembered the times he brought Zoey as a favor to his wife. She had been little more than a child tagging along for a night of fun, now she was a woman blossoming in her own light.

Inside Hannah immediately rushed off the kids area where they were having their own fun and watching movies. He escorted Zoey inside, aware of all the eyes openly watching them.

He knew the rumors, people thought he was sleeping with her and a part of him was ashamed of it, another part swelled with pride that they believed he could have her if he wanted.

"You should find Claire, " she said as they stepped into the lavishly decorated ballroom.

"Save me a dance?" He asked.

"Don't I always?" She replied with a smile.

He smiled back and moved through the crowds waving at a few of the cadets he knew, he found Clair by the snack table.

"You made it, " she said with a smile.

He glanced at her attire her long blonde hair swept up into a bun, a dark blue dress that ended at the knee and was sleeveless brought out her trim figure. She was beautiful.

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